I’ve been testing scripting on DeadlineCommand to RemoteControl and send a command to execute a program onto another network computer.
So far it works fine. The only problem I have is that there is a timeout on the Execute function. I have to wait for the program to finish in order to send another command. Is there a way to remove this timeout, or at least increase the Timeout time ? I think now the timeout is somewhere around 1 minute. If the program takes longer to execute, I get this message:
Sent "Execute “c:\program.exe” command. Result: “timed out while waiting for reply”
Best regards
Hi Jo,
Just to confirm, you’re using the “Execute” command with the RemoteControl option, right? There is a similar command called “ExecuteNoWait” which returns right away. The only problem is that you don’t get notification when the command completes, but you could work around this by wrapping the program you’re executing in a batch file, and have that batch file write out a file with the remote machine’s name to a shared folder. I’m sure you could have the batch file write out the stdout to the same file too.
You’re idea about having an option to set the timeout or remove it is a good one. We’ll add this as a feature request. I also see this being useful when executing commands from the Monitor as well.
Hi Russel,
Thanks a lot for your quick answer. It helps a lot.
The function I am using now is:
DeadlineCommand RemoteControl [COMPUTERNAME] Execute [PATH TO EXECUTABLE.exe]
My idea was to add a parameter at the end of the execute function, something like that:
DeadlineCommand RemoteControl [COMPUTERNAME] Execute [PATH TO EXECUTABLE.exe] TimeOut 1000
But for the moment I’m going to use your workaround. Very good idea.