I’m trying to get all of the path mappings in a Python script running on the farm using the Python plugin. I find that when it queries path mappings with deadlinecommand GetPathMappings it doesn’t include mappings specific to the slaves region. In my case it’s only finding those in the “All” group, not the “office” group that the particular slave belongs to.
I suppose that makes sense because deadlinecommand doesn’t necessarily know what slave it’s being run on, but are there any workarounds for this? Would using the Deadline Python API be respect the slave’s region?
Funny that you mention AWS because I’m using it for something like what I guess your AWS transfer does.
To keep render jobs from polluting the current “good” working state of a project, I isolate them to a unique cache for each job. This is built up on the office side when an artists submits a job.
Then it needs to get transferred to the server on our off-site render farm. Our WAN connection isn’t the fastest, so submissions also create a separate Python job that handles moving the job cache over with a little logic to check for identical files from other jobs already in place.
I was mapping “job_cache” on office machines to the office server and “job_cache” on the render farm machines to the server off-site, using region settings to separate them. That’s when I ran into the region / path mapping problem.
I’ve fixed it for now by making sure that the assets are all changed by the transfer job to point to a “farm_job_cache” location that is on the farm server.
It’s working ok now and I’m working with vray scene and nuke files so I can do regular string manipulations. I’m a little nervous if I ever need to use another format that can’t be manipulated as easily in Python.
I’m a little nervous if I ever need to use another format that can’t be manipulated as easily in Python.
So are we.
Path mapping in general is a difficult thing to achieve but we’ve done well so far. I’m glad you have something working, and if you do run aground on those problems just reach out. We’ll be able to help