Heya Folks!
We’re rendering a load of hard surface objects with a lot of render elements and I’m using a script to set up the paths, names and exr options of render elements going out. As a result of this I’m not using deadline’s path options for the majority of our work as we’ve got other scripts to combine render elements in nuke based on element names later. One of the other operators is doing fume stuff that we don’t process in the same way after, so he had deadline’s path options turned on. The nuke comper working on his files found that his passes were very slow to work with so I got him to use my pass script to set the options correctly for his files and got him to put out another render. The comper still found the files slow though which was odd so we started doing a bit of digging. I saw that his elements were going out into sub folders which meant that he probably had deadline pathing enabled, and I did a quick test between his main beauty pass which was set manually in terms of exr options, and one of the similar looking render element passes which deadline had renamed and re-pathed. The main beauty was almost instant to read in the nuke viewer, but the render element read by deadline was incredibly slow to draw in the nuke viewer. As another test we rendered a frame of the same scene again except this time using manual paths and options on the render elements, and rendered locally instead of through deadline. These frames were all quick to draw in nuke, so it leads me to believe that Deadline is changing the storage options of the EXR’s when it’s changing the path names for render elements.
In terms of the options I go with it’s setting the compression to ZipS (single line), setting the storage type to use scanlines, and the image region to save region to enabled the nuke data window.
My maxscript code for it is:
FOpenEXR.setCompression 2
FOpenEXR.setSaveScanline true
FOpenEXR.setSaveRegion true
It doesn’t affect us anymore since we’re turning off deadline pathing but it might be worth looking at for future options!