Deleting Jobs which have a TileAssembler Job dependency

Build: v3.1.0.35390
Deleting a 3dsMax single tile job when it was suspended (job status possibly not relevant, but included for completeness), leaves behind the TileAssembler dependent job in the queue.
Can we have some kind of dependent job delete warning box, so that the dependent TileAssembler jobs will get deleted as well? “Yes/No : Delete Dependent Tile Assembler Jobs as well?” kind of thing?

The idea of having a general option to delete dependent jobs has been on the wishlist for a while. We were thinking that the user would only have the option to delete their own dependent jobs (unless they are a super user). Other users would be notified if the job that their job is dependent on gets deleted. Maybe in Deadline 4.0. :slight_smile:


  • Ryan

Has this been fixed/resolved yet?

Hi Mike,

This feature didn’t make into the 4.0 development cycle. It is still on the wish list though. We’re still putting together the list for 4.1 development, but we haven’t made a decision on this particular feature yet. Once 4.0 is released, we’ll have a better idea of what the roadmap will be for 4.1.


  • Ryan