Dir Nuke11.3 : Error: Nuke 9.0 render executable could not be found

Hi there:

Even after adding DeadlineRepository7/plugins/Nuke/Nuke.param
Add an additional executable entry for Nuke 11.3 was added as seen below -

Category=Nuke 11 Render Executables
Label=Nuke 11.4 Render Executable
Default=C:\Program Files\Nuke11.3v4\Nuke11.3.exe;/usr/local/Nuke11.3v4/Nuke11.3;/Applications/Nuke11.3v4/Nuke11.3v4.app/Contents/MacOS/Nuke11.3v4;/usr/local/Nuke11.3v4/Nuke11.4
Description=The path to the Nuke 11.4 executable file used for rendering. Enter alternative paths on separate lines.

I still get the following error message

Error: Error: Nuke 9.0 render executable could not be found in the semicolon separated list "C:\Program Files\Nuke9.0v1\Nuke9.0.exe;/usr/local/Nuke9.0v8/Nuke9.0;/Applications/Nuke9.0v8/Nuke9.0v8.app/Contents/MacOS/Nuke9.0v8". The path to the render executable can be configured from the Plugin Configuration in the Deadline Monitor.


When you submit the job to the farm, are you specifing the nuke version in the plugin info?
it might be that 9 is what is getting submitted.
check the submission parameters of the job.

You are right Kwatts when you submit from Deadline Monitor - and for some reason Ver11.3 is not showing up in the dropdown list - its ends with 9.4. When we submit from Nuke using Deadline plugin I do not see any options for the version election - I guess I can modify it.

The Nuke script is created using Nuke 9 and would like to render with Nuke 11 - any ideas …?


yeah you may need to modify the submitter, or for now, if you edit the .options file in the plugin folder.
you can add the extra nuke versions you want to render with:


add them with a semi colon to seperate.
Once done, these should be avalible live in the deadline monitor, so you can confirm the version works.

one you have confirmed, you can edit the submission code, to either give the correct versions, or detect which versions to use based on how fancy you decide to get.
