Does submitting from Hiero/NukeStudio still work?

Hello :slight_smile:

I’m trying to get Hiero/NukeStudio shot/clip/sequence submitting to work. After trying to install the client submitter with automatic and manual method, I have still not found the submit button anywhere. I would think it should appear on the “Render with” dropdown together with the “Frame Server” and “Single Render Process”?

I have tried getting it to work with Nuke 12.2v2 and Nuke 13.1v3, but no success.

Have someone else gotten the Hiero/NukeStudio submitter to work on Nuke 12 and above?

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Did you get this working? I am also struggling to get it working.

No, have not gotten it to work yet :confused: Have you? (4.4 KB) (34.5 KB)


I was able to get NukeStudio 13.1v2 working on deadline using the attached .py scripts. Make sure to put into .nuke\Python\Startup \Submissions\nuke\main

I do still run into some issues where it doesn’t work after a crash, but adding these original files back in seems to work fine. Still trying to sort out why it dies after a Studio crash.

Note: I was not the one to initially modify these to get them to work so I don’t know how helpful I will be on any questions.


Hi @GneissStuff , thanks - your script does work on Nuke 13. On 14 i can also see the dropdown entry but when i push Export button nothing happens, in command line you can see this:

INFO 12:16:50.618:DeadlineHieroClient(17780): --------------------------------------------------
INFO 12:16:50.619:DeadlineHieroClient(17780): /_DEADLINE_REPO/submission/Hiero/Main

INFO 12:16:50.619:DeadlineHieroClient(17780): True
INFO 12:16:50.619:DeadlineHieroClient(17780): --------------------------------------------------
INFO 12:16:50.619:DeadlineHieroClient(17780): Appending "/_DEADLINE_REPO/submission/Hiero/Main" to system path to import SubmitHieroToDeadline module
INFO 12:16:50.619:DeadlineHieroClient(17780): Importing DeadlineRenderSubmission module
INFO 12:16:50.624:DeadlineHieroClient(17780): Adding 'Submit to Deadline' submission option to Export window
[12:16.50] Warning: Could not find value "sRGB" for "monitorLut". It will be appended to the menu list.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/Nuke14.0v2/pythonextensions/site-packages/hiero/core/", line 840, in createAndExecuteProcessor
    processor = self.createProcessor(preset, submissionName, synchronous)
  File "/usr/local/Nuke14.0v2/pythonextensions/site-packages/hiero/core/", line 827, in createProcessor
  File "/_DEADLINE_REPO/submission/Hiero/Main/", line 311, in initialise
    output = json.loads( dcOutput, encoding="utf-8" ) # type: Dict
  File "/usr/local/Nuke14.0v2/lib/python3.9/json/", line 359, in loads
    return cls(**kw).decode(s)
TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'encoding'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/Nuke14.0v2/pythonextensions/site-packages/hiero/core/", line 847, in createAndExecuteProcessor
    errorString = processor.errors()
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'processor' referenced before assignment

Can i solve this with some changes on your script?


If you look at the json documentation
“Changed in version 3.9: The keyword argument encoding has been removed.”

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