Draft comping plate with rendered element.

Im trying to make certain render element and the plate of the shot to be composited in the same draft,but for some reason when I put lets say the element(exr) in A slot (think of Nuke merge node) and the plate(jpg) in B slot Im getting only the element on black BG.When I switch the process I`m getting only the plate.When I try with two separate elements its fine. Heres part of the code:

element = ReplaceFilenameHashesWithNumber(element_pattern, frame_N)
element_read = Image.ReadFromFile(element)
element_read.Resize(width, height)

	plate = ReplaceFilenameHashesWithNumber(plate_pattern, frame_N)
	plate_read = Image.ReadFromFile(plate)
	plate_read.Resize(width, height)

	plate.Composite( element, 0.0, 0.0, CompositeOperator.OverCompositeOp)

Hi there,

I believe what you need to do is to set the alpha channel of your plate_read. You could try doing something like the following:

plate_read.Resize(width, height)
plate_read.SetChannel( ‘A’, 1.0 )

and composite your plate_read over your element_read like this:

element_read.Composite( plate_read, 0.0, 0.0, Draft.CompositeOperator.OverCompositeOp )

This should solve your problem. Please, let me know how it goes.

Kind regards,


thank you for the very fast replay : >.I will try it tomorrow and post the result ^_^.

Edit:I tried it and it didnt work as intended T_T.I did the SetChannel(“A”,1.0) for the plate but when I composite it with OverCompositeOp A(plate) B(element) as suggested it didnt work I couldnt see my element so I changed the operator to PlusCompositeOp for a test and it really showed my element tho it was transparent due to the operation.When I tried to switch A and B same problem element was on black BG.

Fixed it.Forgot to switch the encoder to the plate after the comp : >.Thx for the help again : >.

Good to hear your problem is fixed!

Have a great day,
