Draft Event Error

I’m using deadline now.
So, I got error about Draft event with this version.
When I submit fusion job with draft setting, we can not get draft job when fusion job was finished in most of time .
But I don’t know why sometime get draft job…

And when I open “Configure Events…” and select any list and close it, I got error message once every two times.
I attached error message.


Hey Makoto!

I saw this with my database once, and I’m currently wondering if it is an issue with either the version of the scripts in your Repository (unlikely) or something in your database. You can check the version of the Repository within the Monitor now:

[attachment=0]Screen Shot 2016-09-15 at 9.31.02 AM.png[/attachment]

If it is an issue with the database, can you make a dump for me? If you are on Windows, you should just need to run this in the command prompt:

cd %userprofile%/Desktop
c:\DeadlineDatabase8\mongo\application\bin\mongodump --port=27080
explorer .

This should create a folder on your desktop named ‘dump’. Compress that and send it to the ticket system. I would like to see if I can reproduce the error.

If you don’t need the data in your database, you can stopping the database, moving the ‘data’ folder, then re-installing.

The dump will be very helpful for us.

Thanks Edwin,
I moved my database “data” folder and re-install deadline8, I got fine.

But next bad thing was happened. Power management is not working. Slaves are not start…
Of course I’m running Pulse and if I send start command from Monitor to slaves, it works.

I actually have a lot of problem on Deadline8. Is this still unstable maybe???


Service Pack 8 has worked very well for many people now, so I do not believe there is an issue.

For power management, have you tried sending the remote commands via the Monitor on the machine which is running Pulse? You may have, but I am just checking. The only other tests I can think of are to view the verbose Pulse log (to see if the messages are sending at all) and to check to see if the machines are receiving the traffic (much harder if the wake on LAN packets are only sent while offline).

Has anything else changed on the network?

Update: I have been reminded that there was indeed a bug in power management that was recently fixed! Before doing any deep investigating, please wait and test 8.0 SP9 as it is likely to solve the problem. The issue specifically had to do with changes we made to limit groups.

I don’t change anything without Deadline update.
And can start PCs from monitor at Pulse machine.
And Shutdown is working normally. Only start has problem.


Hopefully the next update that was mentioned by Edwin will fix these power management issues for you.