Are there any example draft templates around? If they come with the 5.1 install I’m blind…
Because Draft is still in beta, we currently have all this stuff on the Draft beta board. I’ve added you to the Draft beta testers group, so you should now be able to see the Draft beta board from the Board Index page on the forums.
- Ryan
Hi Ryan,
any chance you can add me to that beta board? we’re really interested in draft as well.
any chance of Tactic integration?
Bert Claes
Hey Bert,
You should have access now. For anyone reading this thread, you can email our Sales team to request Draft beta access, and to get a Draft license:
- Ryan
A license? I thought draft was included?
Draft is included for clients that are currently on Deadline subscription. When Draft 1.0 is released, the Draft licenses will be set to expire when the subscription expires. When you renew for another year, the Draft license will be extended for another year.
For the beta, I believe we’re currently setting the expiry to the end of April.
- Ryan
Hi Ryan,
Could you give me access to the Draft area, too? Would like to get my hands dirty with it.
Hi Ryan,
Could you give me access to the Draft area, too? Would be great.
Where can i get a license ?
I try to write to the sale departement but when i click submit it bring me a page that says error no page exist.
Are you still having the problem with the sales page? If so, let me know and I’ll escalate this. You can also just email instead.
- Ryan
i wrote them an email thanks
Hi Ryan, wouldn’t mind testing out the Draft beta templates as well.
Going forward, all Draft beta access will be handled by the sales team, so you can contact them to request beta access:
- Ryan