Dump install

I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this before or not, but the MSI installer is kinda annoying for those of us deploying over lotsa machines. Could we get a dump install that we can configure ourselves. We’d rather just make a package and send it out to all the workstations and Deadline machines ourselves.

It should work to take the files from an install, and copy them. I believe all you need to configure manually after that are the flexlm registry key and the plugin.ini setting in max.

Do you need something different from that?

I just tested a quick deployment here and a simple file copy seems to work

fine. I copied the contents of the Program Files\Krakatoa folder to my test


To get Max to find the plugin, add a line to the plugin.ini file under

[Directories] pointing to the folder for your Max version. For example:


For the license, you’ll need to add a registry key:


If you are using a license file, the value will be something like:


and if you are using a license server, the value will be something like:


There are additional registry keys required on the FlexLM license server,

but you wouldn’t be deploying a license server remotely anyway.

For first time users, this is all cool, but for updates, we prefer to just do a dump, and have a little script to a directory compare on all the machines when max starts and copy over any changed or new files.

So the registry keys, etc are all unneeded once we do the first install.

  • Chad