I can see some other people have had issues with programs requiring elevation but couldnt find a solution amongst the posts i found on this forum.
Currently Deadline Launcher will have to be manually started as administrator to avoid the ‘3dsmax requires elevation’ error. We have tried setting the executables (deadlinelauncher.exe / deadlinelauncherservice.exe / deadlineslave.exe) to run as administrator for all users but still Deadline launcher and Slave services start un-elevated causing slaves to error out.
This means we constantly have to keep an eye on any slaves that may restart or crash .
Anyone else experiencing this and have a solution?
The only time I’ve ever seen that problem is when the Max executable itself is set to require admin privileges. Usually disabling that makes everything else work.
Another workaround would be to just turn off UAC on the render nodes. That should let everything run normally.
Yes we have set all max executeables to run as admin otherwise RPmanager plugin will not allow submission from max. Sounds like this is not a Deadline issue then.