Enable Rez Plugin

Hi all,

I’m trying to test out the new rez plugin but hitting a bit of a wall. I think I’ve followed the steps:

  • Enabled the rez plugin
  • I’ve configured the render node to have rez on the path and access to the packages
  • Our nuke package has the tool ‘nuke’ available

But when I try it, I can see the DEADLINE_REZ env vars in the Job Extra Info and everything looks right, but it doesn’t work on the render node. I get messages like this:

Error: ManagedProcessAbort : Executable returned from RenderExecutable(), "nuke", is not rooted, and does not exist in the current directory or in the PATH.
   at FranticX.Processes.ManagedProcess.Execute(Boolean waitForExit)
   at FranticX.Processes.MonitoredManagedProcesses.StartMonitoredManagedProcess(String name, ManagedProcess managedProcess)
   at Deadline.Plugins.DeadlinePlugin.StartMonitoredManagedProcessAsUser(String name, ManagedProcess managedProcess, String userName, String domain, String password, Boolean useSu, Boolean preserveEnvironment, Boolean setHomeVariable)
   at Deadline.Plugins.DeadlinePlugin.StartMonitoredManagedProcess(String name, ManagedProcess managedProcess) (Python.Runtime.PythonException)

I’m not sure what else to try at the moment - there’s no mention in the log before that point of it trying to run ‘rez’ - should there be some messages?


Can you show us your Deadline job ENV VARs for Rez? It might help put more context here on what the issue might be here.

Hey Joe,

Were you ever able to resolve this? We’re running into the exact same error with Deadline/Nuke/Rez combo, however, it only occurs when “Batch Mode” is enabled in the job parameters.

Nuke 14.0v4
Windows 10

We have fixed the issue with Rez + Deadline + Nuke in the latest version of Deadline (10.3). You can upgrade your Deadline farm to the latest version. Here is a upgrade documentation for you to follow.

Also here is the compatibility list of applications you can run with Deadline REZ event plugin: Rez — Deadline documentation

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Hey Karpreet,

Thanks for the prompt response! I did see Nuke was supported in 10.3 but not that this was fixed. Will upgrade and give it a shot.

Thanks again!