Hi, I have Deadline 3.1 installed, and when i submit a job to it, it says that there are some dll´s missing (FumeFX in this case).
But actualli I have FumeFX and all dll´s installed, and it look´s like Deadline doesn´t detect it.
How can I resolve this problem?
This is a log from client:
LICENSE-FREE MODE: Repository has two slaves including this one - no license required.
LICENSE-FREE MODE: Repository has two slaves including this one - no license required.
---- April 08 2009 – 06:52 PM ----
Scheduler Thread - Plugin loaded in 0.08 seconds.
LICENSE-FREE MODE: Repository has two slaves including this one - no license required.
Constructor: 3dsmax
0: Task timeout is disabled.
0: Loaded job: SandStorm05 [2 PARTS] [MAXSCRIPT] (000_100_999_6f7111f3)
0: INFO: StartJob: initializing script plugin 3dsmax
0: INFO: About: 3dsmax Plugin for Deadline
0: INFO: Start Job called - starting up 3dsmax plugin
0: INFO: Rendering with 3dsmax version: 2009
0: INFO: Build of 3dsmax to force: 64bit
0: INFO: Rendering with executable: D:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2009\3dsmax.exe
0: INFO: Fail on existing 3dsmax process: 0
0: INFO: Load 3dsmax timeout: 1000 seconds
0: INFO: Start job timeout: 1000 seconds
0: INFO: Progress update timeout: 8000 seconds
0: INFO: Progress update timout disabled: 0
0: INFO: Slave mode enabled: 1
0: INFO: Silent mode enabled: 0
0: INFO: Local rendering enabled: 1
0: INFO: Strict 3dsmax check enabled: 0
0: INFO: 3dsmax start up file: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Frantic Films\Deadline\slave\plugins\deadlineStartupMax2009.max
0: INFO: Using user profiles: 1
0: INFO: Using 3dsmax ini file: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Autodesk\3dsmax\2009 - 64bit\enu\3dsmax.ini
0: INFO: Network log file: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Autodesk\3dsmax\2009 - 64bit\enu\Network\Max.log
0: INFO: Plugin ini file: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Autodesk\3dsmax\2009 - 64bit\enu\plugin.ini
0: INFO: Including user profile plugin ini: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Autodesk\3dsmax\2009 - 64bit\enu\plugin.ini
0: INFO: Lightning connection plugin: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Frantic Films\Deadline\slave\plugins\lightning64Max2009.dlx
0: INFO: 3dsmax socket connection port: 4760
0: INFO: Creating startup script: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\lightning_startup.ms
0: INFO: Copying C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Frantic Films\Deadline\slave\plugins\lightning64Max2009.dlx to C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Frantic Films\Deadline\temp\lightning\lightning.dlx
0: INFO: Starting monitored managed process 3dsmaxProcess
0: INFO: Ignoring popup windows with titles matching regex “.Brazil Console.”
0: INFO: Ignoring popup windows with titles matching regex “.MSP Acceleration.”
0: INFO: Ignoring popup windows with titles matching regex “.FumeFX:.”
0: INFO: Ignoring popup windows with titles matching regex “.FumeFX Dynamics:.”
0: INFO: Ignoring popup windows with titles matching regex “.Maxwell Translation Window.”
0: INFO: Handling popup windows with titles matching regex “.VRay authorization.” by pressing “Cancel”
0: INFO: Handling popup windows with titles matching regex “.V-Ray warning.” by pressing “OK”
0: INFO: Handling popup windows with titles matching regex “.File Load: Units Mismatch.” by pressing “Adopt the File’s Unit Scale?;OK”
0: INFO: Handling popup windows with titles matching regex “.Frame Rate Change.” by pressing “OK”
0: INFO: Handling popup windows with titles matching regex “.MAXScript Auto-load Script Error.” by pressing “OK”
0: INFO: Handling popup windows with titles matching regex “.Render history settings.” by pressing “OK;No”
0: INFO: Handling popup windows with titles matching regex “.Warning - the software has encountered a problem.” by pressing “Don’t show me this error again;Continue”
0: INFO: Handling popup windows with titles matching regex “.Frantic Films FPS Watchdog.” by pressing “OK”
0: INFO: Handling popup windows with titles matching regex “.Missing Dlls.” by pressing “Cancel”
0: INFO: Handling popup windows with titles matching regex “Brazil r/s Rio Warning” by pressing “OK”
0: INFO: Handling popup windows with titles matching regex “3D Studio MAX” by pressing “OK”
0: INFO: Stdout Handling Enabled: False
0: INFO: Popup Handling Enabled: True
0: INFO: Using Process Tree: True
0: INFO: Hiding DOS Window: False
0: INFO: Creating New Console: False
0: INFO: Render Executable: “D:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2009\3dsmax.exe”
0: INFO: Render Argument: -p “C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\dl.ini” -q -s “C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Frantic Films\Deadline\slave\plugins\deadlineStartupMax2009.max”
0: INFO: Startup Directory: “D:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2009”
0: INFO: Process Priority: BelowNormal
0: INFO: Process is now running
0: INFO: Waiting for connection from 3dsmax
LICENSE-FREE MODE: Repository has two slaves including this one - no license required.
0: INFO: Connected to 3dsmax plugin version Lightning Mar 27 2009 09:44:47 R
0: INFO: Scene file to render: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Frantic Films\Deadline\slave\jobsData\SandStorm05.max
0: INFO: Camera: Camera01
0: INFO: This is a MAXScript Job
0: INFO: MAXScript to be executed: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Frantic Films\Deadline\slave\jobsData\KrakatoaPartitionTasksOnDeadline.ms
0: INFO: Restarting 3dsmax after each frame: 0
0: INFO: Showing frame buffer: 1
0: INFO: Overriding render output: \Central\e\ElERMITAÑO\12FX\FX_Dunas\SandStorm\PRT\prt_sandstorm\SandStorm_.prt
0: INFO: Frame number base: 0
0: INFO: Remove padding from output filename: 0
0: INFO: Ignore missing external file errors: 1
0: INFO: Ignore missing UVW errors: 1
0: INFO: Ignore missing XREF errors: 1
0: INFO: Ignore missing DLL errors: 0
0: INFO: Disabling Multipass: 0
0: INFO: Render elements will be ignored
0: INFO: Loading 3dsmax scene file
Scheduler Thread - Render Thread 0 threw an error:
Scheduler Thread - An error occurred in StartJob(): 3dsmax: Failed to load max file: “C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/Local Settings/Application Data/Frantic Films/Deadline/slave/jobsData/SandStorm05.max”
2009/04/08 18:52:38 INF: Loaded C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/Local Settings/Application Data/Frantic Films/Deadline/slave/jobsData/SandStorm05.max
2009/04/08 18:52:38 ERR: Missing dll: Afterworks.dlu - Key
2009/04/08 18:52:38 ERR: Missing dll: Afterworks.dlu - Gradient Control
2009/04/08 18:52:38 ERR: Missing dll: Afterworks.dlu - AFCKnot
2009/04/08 18:52:38 ERR: Missing dll: Afterworks.dlu - AFC Control
2009/04/08 18:52:38 ERR: Missing dll: FumeFX.dlo - Standard
2009/04/08 18:52:38 ERR: Missing dll: FumeFX.dlo - FumeFX
2009/04/08 18:52:38 ERR: Missing dll: FumeFX.dlo - FFX Object
2009/04/08 18:52:38 ERR: Missing dll: FumeFX.dlo - Source Controller
2009/04/08 18:52:38 ERR: Missing dll: FumeFX.dlo - Simple Src
2009/04/08 18:52:38 ERR: Missing dll: FumeFX.dlo - Gravity Vector
2009/04/08 18:52:38 ERR: Missing dll: FumeFX_PF.dlo - FumeFX Birth
2009/04/08 18:52:38 ERR: Missing dll: FumeFX_PF.dlo - FumeFX Follow
2009/04/08 18:52:38 ERR: Missing dll: FumeFX.dlo - LinkerDummy
2009/04/08 18:52:38 ERR: Missing dll: MaxKrakatoa.dlr - Krakatoa
2009/04/08 18:52:38 ERR: Missing dll: FusionWorks.dlr - FusionWorks Renderer
Exception Details
RenderPluginException – An error occurred in StartJob(): 3dsmax: Failed to load max file: “C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/Local Settings/Application Data/Frantic Films/Deadline/slave/jobsData/SandStorm05.max”
2009/04/08 18:52:38 INF: Loaded C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/Local Settings/Application Data/Frantic Films/Deadline/slave/jobsData/SandStorm05.max
2009/04/08 18:52:38 ERR: Missing dll: Afterworks.dlu - Key
2009/04/08 18:52:38 ERR: Missing dll: Afterworks.dlu - Gradient Control
2009/04/08 18:52:38 ERR: Missing dll: Afterworks.dlu - AFCKnot
2009/04/08 18:52:38 ERR: Missing dll: Afterworks.dlu - AFC Control
2009/04/08 18:52:38 ERR: Missing dll: FumeFX.dlo - Standard
2009/04/08 18:52:38 ERR: Missing dll: FumeFX.dlo - FumeFX
2009/04/08 18:52:38 ERR: Missing dll: FumeFX.dlo - FFX Object
2009/04/08 18:52:38 ERR: Missing dll: FumeFX.dlo - Source Controller
2009/04/08 18:52:38 ERR: Missing dll: FumeFX.dlo - Simple Src
2009/04/08 18:52:38 ERR: Missing dll: FumeFX.dlo - Gravity Vector
2009/04/08 18:52:38 ERR: Missing dll: FumeFX_PF.dlo - FumeFX Birth
2009/04/08 18:52:38 ERR: Missing dll: FumeFX_PF.dlo - FumeFX Follow
2009/04/08 18:52:38 ERR: Missing dll: FumeFX.dlo - LinkerDummy
2009/04/08 18:52:38 ERR: Missing dll: MaxKrakatoa.dlr - Krakatoa
2009/04/08 18:52:38 ERR: Missing dll: FusionWorks.dlr - FusionWorks Renderer
RenderPluginException.Cause: JobError (2)
Exception.Data: ( )
Exception.TargetSite: Void StartJob(Deadline.Jobs.Job)
Exception.Source: deadline
at Deadline.Plugins.ScriptPlugin.StartJob(Job job)
at Deadline.Plugins.Plugin.StartJob(Job job)
at Deadline.Slaves.SlaveRenderThread.RenderCurrentTask()