Just starting with Deadline (, so apologies for any newbie errors.
I seem to everything configured for AWS/Usage licensing… up to a point. I have a consistent failure trying to Create Infrastructure, which fails and self-deletes at the same point (log screencap attached). This happens with and without firewall and antivirus enabled on the local machine.
Possibly related? --> In the Configure Infrastructure panel, the Estimate Monthly Infrastructure Cost button does not produce any result (other than highlighting green when clicked).
Thanks for the screenshot! Currently, it looks like you’re not allowed to create an on-demand instance because your limit for the “c4.4xlarge” instance is zero.
Can you check your service limits and see what you’re able to start up? This is the first time I’ve seen a limit for that instance type set to zero.
Requesting a limit increase for “c4.4xlarge” should get you there.
Update: I’m told we’ve changed the instance type to “c5.4xlarge” and the region you’re using may not have that instance type available yet.
Aha! (and thanks for the help)
I think that’s it: my current region does not have any C5.4xlarge instances available. In fact, in Eastern 1, there are no C5.-Xlarge of any size yet. C5.large is available.
Is it possible for me to edit a script and change the instance request for the infrastructure creation?
Also, for running infrastructure (not rendering), would not a smaller instance be more appropriate?
thanks again.
At the moment it’s locked in place behind a cloud formation template.
The reason the instance size is as large as it is was that we wanted to over provision. I’ll add you to the list of folks who want to specify that at launch time. It’s possible to re-provision it later within the AWS web console, but that’s only if it launches in the first place.
Thanks for giving that a try. We’re noticing more people are having an issue where they are restricted for c5 types at the moment so we’re going to revert back to c4, then have that as an upgrade message.
So, on your side make sure you have room for one c4.4xlarge for when you stop and start your infrastructure.
Thanks for the notice.
side note: My preference would be for something like a c4.large (or even a c1) for infrastructure, but then I’m looking at less than 100 instances (one-person shop).
Agreed. I’d like some vague range of instance count / asset transfer but there are a few reasons at the moment that we can’t provide that.
The Gateway acts as a file server for Windows-based instances, so if you’re using Windows you also have to consider the size and quantity of assets being rendered.