Error installing deadline repository

I am a pipeline person not an IT person.

To not let any restarting of service affect the already running deadline installation on live system,
I am trying to install it on virtualbox - Centos, guest and Windows , host.

At first, got mongo db installation error while trying it from deadline. As a work around to this, installing mongodb only works fine.

Now i am trying to install deadline but get this error. What does one need to consider while installing deadline repository without any issues ?

Is that the right port? Default Mongodb is 27017 (I think)

27100 is the port we use for the Deadline10 database (so we don’t step on any possibly existing MongoDB installs). This looks like you don’t have port 27100 open in your firewall(s) between the machine you’re on and the database computer.

issue is sorted. Any way to close this request.