Error Log - Mixing Multiple Jobs?

I seem to be getting some weird logging issues. During a Modo render I’m getting log files for a Maxwell job. As you can see from the attached image, the Modo render is progressing and then all of a sudden there’s 4 lines from a Maxwell render. At that time (10:50am) there were no Maxwell renders going. We had a number of failed Maxwell render jobs that were cancelled earlier in the morning but no jobs that should have still been running.

This is not the only instance and have other instances where a Maxwell render (which again shouldn’t have been running at 10:51) that Encountered an error and seems to have failed the Modo render.

There was a bug on Windows where cancelled tasks would keep running in the background. I can’t remember all of the details, but it was fixed in SP21. Are you on that version yet?

If not, download here, docs here.