Attached is an error logged for a file on deadline. I have no idea what it is telling me. Can anyone please translate?
Thanks in advance
error.txt (2.76 KB)
Attached is an error logged for a file on deadline. I have no idea what it is telling me. Can anyone please translate?
Thanks in advance
error.txt (2.76 KB)
Are you rendering with the 3dsCmd plugin or the 3dsmax plugin? I’m assuming from the log that it’s the 3dsCmd plugin, but I just want to be sure. Also, are you submitting the job from within 3dsmax, or from the Monitor? Finally, can you post the full log report? It might help put this error in better context.
I am submitting by maxscript. Actually submitting 2 files. First submission actually renders images, which renders correctly. The second submission does not render anything, it calls Photoshop to process images from first submission. Both submissions are submitted with a maxsript. I’ve been doing this submission scheme for a long and never seen it fail on the second submission. Here is the log file.
log.txt (15.7 KB)
Is it possible that there is a syntax or logic error in 247_FLASH_GREYSCALE_IMAGES.MS? From the error message, it sounds like the script is referencing something that hasn’t been defined yet. Perhaps you could send us the script and we’ll take a look.
That’s what I thought and double and triple checked the syntax. I also drag-dropped the file from deadline onto max and manually ran ‘247_FLASH_GREYSCALE_IMAGES.MS’ script and all is fine. I attached a portion of the log again. What does this section refer to?
log2.txt (1.5 KB)
I had just assumed that this was either being printed out by your script directly, or your script was invoking some functionality that was printing this out. Upon taking a closer look, it would appear that this is something that backburner would print out. Maybe you have a “net render” option enabled somewhere in your render settings, or your script is doing something that is causing backburner to try and get involved.
Have you tried commenting out sections of this script to see if the problem still occurs? If not, maybe that can help isolate the problem.
I’ve never used netrender at all in the 6 years I’ve been scripting. I will do some investigation commenting out sections and see what happens. If I come across something I will let you know.
Thanks so much Ryan
P.S. How’s the weather in Winterpeg?
Yeah, it’s weird that backburner-related messages would be appearing in the log. That’s why I thought of the net render option, but it could be completely unrelated. Hopefully you can figure out what’s going on.
We’ve actually hit normal highs here the last couple of days, but it’s going to be downhill from here for the rest of the week. It wasn’t easy coming home from Vegas after NAB.
My parents keep me informed on the situation when call them. Hope to visit Winterpeg this summer to see the family. Thanks Ryan.
Does the info in log3.txt having anything to do with causing whats in log2.txt?
log3.txt (237 Bytes)
log2.txt (1.5 KB)
Nope, that’s completely normal operation of the Deadline plugin. Sometimes 3dsmaxcmd.exe needs to be run without arguments before 3dsmax will network render. That’s what this workaround does.
The part of the error ‘the script is referencing something that hasn’t been defined yet’ is that a variable was in the wrong scope. Moving it to the proper scope fix that problem, but I’m still getting the ‘netrender’ logging.
Glad to hear you fixed the main problem. Is the net render logging affecting anything? It’s very possible that this is due to something completely unrelated, and if it’s not causing any problems…
No it’s not causing any problems, I am still getting my expected output. But always trying to be a perfectionist, I am curious as to why its logging that info and will check into it later.
Thanks again Ryan.