Here one probleme that i have some issus going trough deadline.
I got a rib file ready, i send it troug deadline, and i got this error
Exception during render: An error occurred in RenderTasks(): ERROR D2004: failed to open display driver ‘exr’ (display driver returned ‘4’)
à Deadline.Plugins.ScriptPlugin.RenderTasks(String taskId, Int32 startFrame, Int32 endFrame, String& outMessage)
0: STDOUT: 3DL ERROR D2004: failed to open display driver ‘exr’ (display driver returned ‘4’)
0: WARNING: Another error occurred in regex function: ERROR D2094: failed to open display driver ‘exr’ (display driver returned with a null handle)
But when i double clic my rib, trough remote desktop on the node, i got 3delight opening up and rendering the rib with no problem
We just realise, the problem seem to apper only when we subdivide our mesh, if that can help any of you.
Can you post the full error report from the job that produced this error? You can find it by right-clicking on the job in the Monitor and selecting Job Reports -> View Error Reports. This way we can see the command line arguments, and the full render log to help put the error in better context.
Error Message
Exception during render: An error occurred in RenderTasks(): ERROR D2004: failed to open display driver ‘exr’ (display driver returned ‘4’)
à Deadline.Plugins.ScriptPlugin.RenderTasks(String taskId, Int32 startFrame, Int32 endFrame, String& outMessage)
Slave Log
0: Task timeout is disabled.
0: Loaded job: IA_010_0001_lts_cutout.rib (999_074_009_72872126)
0: Successfully mapped R: to \FX-NAS-01\vfx\RENDER
0: Successfully mapped K: to \FX-NAS-01\vfx\Projets
0: INFO: StartJob: initializing script plugin RIB
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “ERROR.|error.|RIB error.|.Unable to find shader.|.Unable to find out device." will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression "R90000[[:space:]]([0-9]+)%” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “.* ([0-9]+.[0-9]+)%." will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression ". ([0-9]+)% ." will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression "[[:space:]]([0-9]+)%” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: About: RIB Plugin for Deadline
0: Plugin rendering frame(s): 105
0: INFO: Renderer: ThreeDelight
0: INFO: Stdout Handling Enabled: True
0: INFO: Popup Handling Enabled: False
0: INFO: Using Process Tree: True
0: INFO: Hiding DOS Window: False
0: INFO: Creating New Console: True
0: INFO: Render Executable: “C:\Program Files\3Delight\bin\renderdl.exe”
0: INFO: Rendering file: //fx-nas-01/vfx/RENDER/IA/SHOTS/010/0001/lts/rib/cMammoth_grey/cutout/IA_010_0001_lts_cutout.0105.rib
0: INFO: Render Argument: -progress -stats3 “//fx-nas-01/vfx/RENDER/IA/SHOTS/010/0001/lts/rib/cMammoth_grey/cutout/IA_010_0001_lts_cutout.0105.rib”
0: INFO: Startup Directory: “C:\Program Files\3Delight\bin”
0: INFO: Process Priority: BelowNormal
0: INFO: Process is now running
0: STDOUT: 3DL ERROR D2004: failed to open display driver ‘exr’ (display driver returned ‘4’)
0: WARNING: Another error occurred in regex function: ERROR D2094: failed to open display driver ‘exr’ (display driver returned with a null handle)
0: STDOUT: 3DL ERROR D2094: failed to open display driver ‘exr’ (display driver returned with a null handle)
0: WARNING: Another error occurred in regex function: ERROR S2050: cannot find shader ‘K:/STUDIO/CGTOOLS/3Delight/shaders/ryDisplacement’, will use ‘null’
0: STDOUT: 3DL ERROR S2050: cannot find shader ‘K:/STUDIO/CGTOOLS/3Delight/shaders/ryDisplacement’, will use ‘null’
0: WARNING: Another error occurred in regex function: ERROR S2050: cannot find shader ‘K:/STUDIO/CGTOOLS/3Delight/shaders/ryBump’, will use ‘null’
0: STDOUT: 3DL ERROR S2050: cannot find shader ‘K:/STUDIO/CGTOOLS/3Delight/shaders/ryBump’, will use ‘null’
0: WARNING: Another error occurred in regex function: ERROR S2050: cannot find shader ‘shaveConstant’, will use ‘defaultsurface’
0: STDOUT: 3DL ERROR S2050: cannot find shader ‘shaveConstant’, will use ‘defaultsurface’
0: WARNING: Another error occurred in regex function: ERROR A2084: cannot find archive ‘R:/IA/SHOTS/010/0001/lts/furFiles/cMammoth_grey/cMammoth__grey_ns_shvBodySShape.0105.rib’
0: STDOUT: 3DL ERROR A2084: cannot find archive ‘R:/IA/SHOTS/010/0001/lts/furFiles/cMammoth_grey/cMammoth__grey_ns_shvBodySShape.0105.rib’
0: WARNING: Another error occurred in regex function: ERROR A2084: cannot find archive ‘R:/IA/SHOTS/010/0001/lts/furFiles/cMammoth_grey/cMammoth__grey_ns_shvBodyShape.0105.rib’
0: STDOUT: 3DL ERROR A2084: cannot find archive ‘R:/IA/SHOTS/010/0001/lts/furFiles/cMammoth_grey/cMammoth__grey_ns_shvBodyShape.0105.rib’
0: WARNING: Another error occurred in regex function: ERROR A2084: cannot find archive ‘R:/IA/SHOTS/010/0001/lts/furFiles/cMammoth_grey/cMammoth__grey_ns_shvEarsShape.0105.rib’
0: STDOUT: 3DL ERROR A2084: cannot find archive ‘R:/IA/SHOTS/010/0001/lts/furFiles/cMammoth_grey/cMammoth__grey_ns_shvEarsShape.0105.rib’
0: WARNING: Another error occurred in regex function: ERROR A2084: cannot find archive ‘R:/IA/SHOTS/010/0001/lts/furFiles/cMammoth_grey/cMammoth__grey_ns_shvHeadLgShape.0105.rib’
0: STDOUT: 3DL ERROR A2084: cannot find archive ‘R:/IA/SHOTS/010/0001/lts/furFiles/cMammoth_grey/cMammoth__grey_ns_shvHeadLgShape.0105.rib’
0: WARNING: Another error occurred in regex function: ERROR A2084: cannot find archive ‘R:/IA/SHOTS/010/0001/lts/furFiles/cMammoth_grey/cMammoth__grey_ns_shvHeadShShape.0105.rib’
0: STDOUT: 3DL ERROR A2084: cannot find archive ‘R:/IA/SHOTS/010/0001/lts/furFiles/cMammoth_grey/cMammoth__grey_ns_shvHeadShShape.0105.rib’
0: WARNING: Another error occurred in regex function: ERROR A2084: cannot find archive ‘R:/IA/SHOTS/010/0001/lts/furFiles/cMammoth_grey/cMammoth__grey_ns_shvLegShape.0105.rib’
0: STDOUT: 3DL ERROR A2084: cannot find archive ‘R:/IA/SHOTS/010/0001/lts/furFiles/cMammoth_grey/cMammoth__grey_ns_shvLegShape.0105.rib’
0: WARNING: Another error occurred in regex function: ERROR A2084: cannot find archive ‘R:/IA/SHOTS/010/0001/lts/furFiles/cMammoth_grey/cMammoth__grey_ns_shvTailShape.0105.rib’
0: STDOUT: 3DL ERROR A2084: cannot find archive ‘R:/IA/SHOTS/010/0001/lts/furFiles/cMammoth_grey/cMammoth__grey_ns_shvTailShape.0105.rib’
0: WARNING: Another error occurred in regex function: ERROR A2084: cannot find archive ‘R:/IA/SHOTS/010/0001/lts/furFiles/cMammoth_grey/cMammoth__grey_ns_shvTuskShape.0105.rib’
0: STDOUT: 3DL ERROR A2084: cannot find archive ‘R:/IA/SHOTS/010/0001/lts/furFiles/cMammoth_grey/cMammoth__grey_ns_shvTuskShape.0105.rib’
Error Type
Error Stack Trace
à Deadline.Plugins.Plugin.RenderTask(String taskId, Int32 startFrame, Int32 endFrame)
à Deadline.Slaves.SlaveRenderThread.RenderCurrentTask(TaskLogWriter tlw)
Thanks! On the machine that you are trying to render on, can you open a command prompt and run this command to see if it works:
"C:\Program Files\3Delight\bin\renderdl.exe" -progress -stats3 "//fx-nas-01/vfx/RENDER/IA/SHOTS/010/0001/lts/rib/cMammoth_grey/cutout/IA_010_0001_lts_cutout.0105.rib"
If it does, can you let us know if Deadline is running as a service or not? I’m asking because after the initial ‘exr’ error, there are a bunch of errors about assets that can’t be found on K: or R:. If Deadline is running as a service, it could be these paths haven’t been mounted in its “service environment”. That would also explains why it works when you render it manually but not through Deadline.
Yes it did work !, and deadline is also a service.
Good to know that Deadline is running as a service, and based on the log, it looks like the mapped drives are mounted successfully, so we can probably rule that out.
I wonder if the Windows “service environment” that the slave runs in is causing problems with the display driver. It’s a separate environment from the desktop with no proper “display” access, and I’ve seen it cause issues when doing things like hardware/gpu rendering.
Can you set up one of your Deadline slaves to have Deadline installed as a normal application to see if it can render these rib files? If it can, then we know the problem is directly related to rendering the rib files in the limited “service environment”.
I now have this
[code]Error Message
Exception during render: An error occurred in RenderTasks(): ERROR P1001: catmull-clark subdivision mesh ‘|geo_foam|geo_foamShape’: edge between vertices 3520 and 3519 has more than two attached faces
à Deadline.Plugins.ScriptPlugin.RenderTasks(String taskId, Int32 startFrame, Int32 endFrame, String& outMessage)
Slave Log
0: Task timeout is disabled.
0: Loaded job: IA_010_0001_lts_cutout.rib (999_074_009_72872126)
0: INFO: StartJob: initializing script plugin RIB
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “ERROR.|error.|RIB error.|.Unable to find shader.|.Unable to find out device." will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression "R90000[[:space:]]([0-9]+)%” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “.* ([0-9]+.[0-9]+)%." will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression ". ([0-9]+)% ." will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression "[[:space:]]([0-9]+)%” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: About: RIB Plugin for Deadline
0: Plugin rendering frame(s): 109
0: INFO: Renderer: ThreeDelight
0: INFO: Stdout Handling Enabled: True
0: INFO: Popup Handling Enabled: False
0: INFO: Using Process Tree: True
0: INFO: Hiding DOS Window: False
0: INFO: Creating New Console: True
0: INFO: Render Executable: “C:\Program Files\3Delight\bin\renderdl.exe”
0: INFO: Rendering file: //fx-nas-01/vfx/RENDER/IA/SHOTS/010/0001/lts/rib/cMammoth_grey/cutout/IA_010_0001_lts_cutout.0109.rib
0: INFO: Render Argument: -progress -stats3 “//fx-nas-01/vfx/RENDER/IA/SHOTS/010/0001/lts/rib/cMammoth_grey/cutout/IA_010_0001_lts_cutout.0109.rib”
0: INFO: Startup Directory: “C:\Program Files\3Delight\bin”
0: INFO: Process Priority: BelowNormal
0: INFO: Process is now running
0: STDOUT: 3DL ERROR P1001: catmull-clark subdivision mesh ‘|geo_foam|geo_foamShape’: edge between vertices 3520 and 3519 has more than two attached faces
0: WARNING: Another error occurred in regex function: ERROR P1004: catmull-clark subdivision mesh ‘|geo_foam|geo_foamShape’: face with less than 3 vertices
0: STDOUT: 3DL ERROR P1004: catmull-clark subdivision mesh ‘|geo_foam|geo_foamShape’: face with less than 3 vertices
0: WARNING: Another error occurred in regex function: ERROR P1001: catmull-clark subdivision mesh ‘|geo_foam|geo_foamShape’: edge between vertices 3709 and 3710 has more than two attached faces
0: STDOUT: 3DL ERROR P1001: catmull-clark subdivision mesh ‘|geo_foam|geo_foamShape’: edge between vertices 3709 and 3710 has more than two attached faces
0: WARNING: Another error occurred in regex function: ERROR P1001: catmull-clark subdivision mesh ‘|geo_foam|geo_foamShape’: edge between vertices 3711 and 3709 has more than two attached faces
0: STDOUT: 3DL ERROR P1001: catmull-clark subdivision mesh ‘|geo_foam|geo_foamShape’: edge between vertices 3711 and 3709 has more than two attached faces
0: WARNING: Another error occurred in regex function: ERROR P1001: catmull-clark subdivision mesh ‘|geo_foam|geo_foamShape’: edge between vertices 3709 and 3719 has more than two attached faces
0: STDOUT: 3DL ERROR P1001: catmull-clark subdivision mesh ‘|geo_foam|geo_foamShape’: edge between vertices 3709 and 3719 has more than two attached faces
0: WARNING: Another error occurred in regex function: ERROR P1001: catmull-clark subdivision mesh ‘|geo_foam|geo_foamShape’: edge between vertices 3712 and 3709 has more than two attached faces
0: STDOUT: 3DL ERROR P1001: catmull-clark subdivision mesh ‘|geo_foam|geo_foamShape’: edge between vertices 3712 and 3709 has more than two attached faces
0: WARNING: Another error occurred in regex function: ERROR P1001: catmull-clark subdivision mesh ‘|geo_foam|geo_foamShape’: edge between vertices 6319 and 6317 has more than two attached faces
0: STDOUT: 3DL ERROR P1001: catmull-clark subdivision mesh ‘|geo_foam|geo_foamShape’: edge between vertices 6319 and 6317 has more than two attached faces
0: WARNING: Another error occurred in regex function: ERROR P1001: catmull-clark subdivision mesh ‘|geo_foam|geo_foamShape’: edge between vertices 7238 and 7279 has more than two attached faces
0: STDOUT: 3DL ERROR P1001: catmull-clark subdivision mesh ‘|geo_foam|geo_foamShape’: edge between vertices 7238 and 7279 has more than two attached faces
0: WARNING: Another error occurred in regex function: ERROR P1001: catmull-clark subdivision mesh ‘|geo_foam|geo_foamShape’: edge between vertices 9464 and 9463 has more than two attached faces
0: STDOUT: 3DL ERROR P1001: catmull-clark subdivision mesh ‘|geo_foam|geo_foamShape’: edge between vertices 9464 and 9463 has more than two attached faces
0: WARNING: Another error occurred in regex function: ERROR P1001: catmull-clark subdivision mesh ‘|geo_foam|geo_foamShape’: edge between vertices 9527 and 9464 has more than two attached faces
0: STDOUT: 3DL ERROR P1001: catmull-clark subdivision mesh ‘|geo_foam|geo_foamShape’: edge between vertices 9527 and 9464 has more than two attached faces
0: WARNING: Another error occurred in regex function: ERROR P1001: catmull-clark subdivision mesh ‘|geo_foam|geo_foamShape’: edge between vertices 12392 and 12390 has more than two attached faces
0: STDOUT: 3DL ERROR P1001: catmull-clark subdivision mesh ‘|geo_foam|geo_foamShape’: edge between vertices 12392 and 12390 has more than two attached faces
0: WARNING: Another error occurred in regex function: ERROR P1001: catmull-clark subdivision mesh ‘|geo_foam|geo_foamShape’: edge between vertices 12578 and 12577 has more than two attached faces
0: STDOUT: 3DL ERROR P1001: catmull-clark subdivision mesh ‘|geo_foam|geo_foamShape’: edge between vertices 12578 and 12577 has more than two attached faces
0: WARNING: Another error occurred in regex function: ERROR P1001: catmull-clark subdivision mesh ‘|geo_foam|geo_foamShape’: edge between vertices 12688 and 12692 has more than two attached faces
0: STDOUT: 3DL ERROR P1001: catmull-clark subdivision mesh ‘|geo_foam|geo_foamShape’: edge between vertices 12688 and 12692 has more than two attached faces
0: WARNING: Another error occurred in regex function: ERROR P1001: catmull-clark subdivision mesh ‘|geo_foam|geo_foamShape’: edge between vertices 13108 and 13101 has more than two attached faces
0: STDOUT: 3DL ERROR P1001: catmull-clark subdivision mesh ‘|geo_foam|geo_foamShape’: edge between vertices 13108 and 13101 has more than two attached faces
0: WARNING: Another error occurred in regex function: ERROR P1001: catmull-clark subdivision mesh ‘|geo_foam|geo_foamShape’: edge between vertices 19433 and 19434 has more than two attached faces
0: STDOUT: 3DL ERROR P1001: catmull-clark subdivision mesh ‘|geo_foam|geo_foamShape’: edge between vertices 19433 and 19434 has more than two attached faces
0: WARNING: Another error occurred in regex function: ERROR P1001: catmull-clark subdivision mesh ‘|geo_foam|geo_foamShape’: edge between vertices 19434 and 19435 has more than two attached faces
0: STDOUT: 3DL ERROR P1001: catmull-clark subdivision mesh ‘|geo_foam|geo_foamShape’: edge between vertices 19434 and 19435 has more than two attached faces
0: WARNING: Another error occurred in regex function: ERROR P1001: catmull-clark subdivision mesh ‘|geo_foam|geo_foamShape’: edge between vertices 19436 and 19434 has more than two attached faces
0: STDOUT: 3DL ERROR P1001: catmull-clark subdivision mesh ‘|geo_foam|geo_foamShape’: edge between vertices 19436 and 19434 has more than two attached faces
0: WARNING: Another error occurred in regex function: ERROR P1001: catmull-clark subdivision mesh ‘|geo_foam|geo_foamShape’: edge between vertices 20732 and 20733 has more than two attached faces
0: STDOUT: 3DL ERROR P1001: catmull-clark subdivision mesh ‘|geo_foam|geo_foamShape’: edge between vertices 20732 and 20733 has more than two attached faces
0: WARNING: Another error occurred in regex function: ERROR P1001: catmull-clark subdivision mesh ‘|geo_foam|geo_foamShape’: edge between vertices 21678 and 20733 has more than two attached faces
0: STDOUT: 3DL ERROR P1001: catmull-clark subdivision mesh ‘|geo_foam|geo_foamShape’: edge between vertices 21678 and 20733 has more than two attached faces
0: WARNING: Another error occurred in regex function: ERROR P1001: catmull-clark subdivision mesh ‘|geo_foam|geo_foamShape’: edge between vertices 23465 and 23481 has more than two attached faces
0: STDOUT: 3DL ERROR P1001: catmull-clark subdivision mesh ‘|geo_foam|geo_foamShape’: edge between vertices 23465 and 23481 has more than two attached faces
Error Type
Error Stack Trace
à Deadline.Plugins.Plugin.RenderTask(String taskId, Int32 startFrame, Int32 endFrame)
à Deadline.Slaves.SlaveRenderThread.RenderCurrentTask(TaskLogWriter tlw)
If i remove the subdivision to my render it does remove the eerror.
FYI, this isn’t the first time i see that error. I’ve been strugelling with it the whole week
Currently, our RIB plugin is set to fail on any ERROR message. Would you consider this error a fatal error message, or would this be an error you would want Deadline to avoid?
As a simple test, you could go to \your\repository\plugins\RIB and open RIB.py in a text editor. Comment out the following line by placing a # in front of it:
self.AddStdoutHandler( r"ERROR.*|error.*|RIB error.*|.*Unable to find shader.*|.*Unable to find out device.*", self.HandleError )
Save the file, and submit the job again. Now Deadline won’t fail the job on any stdout lines, so you can see if the render will finish properly or not. If it finishes properly, then we know that Deadline was detecting a false positive here, and we can go from there.
THis is great thanks.
You see, this is only a warning. I got a mesh with triangle (a water simulation) and the warning were normal 
Thanks again !
Could it be possible to use that methode but only to bypass certain error ? Not all of them
You could add more specific stdout handlers to catch specific error messages. Let’s say you only wanted to catch that previous ERROR message as an error, you could use this:
self.AddStdoutHandler( r"ERROR P1001: catmull-clark subdivision mesh.*", self.HandleError )
Any other ERROR messages would be let through because they wouldn’t match the stdout handler above. You can then add more handlers that match different errors, but call the same handler function:
self.AddStdoutHandler( r"ERROR P1001: catmull-clark subdivision mesh.*", self.HandleError )
self.AddStdoutHandler( r"ERROR P1234: another error.*", self.HandleError )
self.AddStdoutHandler( r"ERROR P9876: blah blah blah.*", self.HandleError )
Hope that helps!