Is there a way to reinitialize the events a slave is handling without restarting the entire farm? It seems like the events are registered on slave startup (both in 7 and 8)
In Deadline 7 Slave, whenever an event is fired the event listeners are initialized and handle the event. Every time an event fires it will be using a freshly initialized listener for each event plugin. The events are initialized at slave startup only because slave startup triggers an event. The next event will reinitialize all listeners.
In Deadline 8 Slave, the event listeners persist and are periodically checked to make sure they are up to date with the current event info. If they are out of date they are reinitialized. The frequency of the checks is configurable under the currently inappropriately placed repository setting Event Updating (In the Monitor under Configure Repository Options -> Monitor Settings -> Update Settings -> Event Updating). Default setting is 5 minutes.
Hope this answers your question!
Thanks! The Event Updating setting seems to only apply to the monitor. What about the slave instances?
Event updating should also be used by the Slave, the setting should not be under Monitor Settings. We have an issue logged to move that setting out of that section since it applies to more than just the monitor.
Ah ok, thanks for the clarification. Ill test the update interval! Much easier than a rolling reboot,
Hey Laszlo,
I did some testing on my end and it looks like the slaves are not updating properly when the update interval is surpassed. We have an issue logged to look into that.
Thanks, that matches my experience (that’s the reason i thought its either not ever re-initializing after startup, or that the feature is for the monitor only)