Example Page Black Ops

Here are a black ops for all but the last two examples on the KCM examples page. Nice learning experience.

Note: some of them require you to edit the op to get link dependencies from cameras, lights, or maps, as well as some settings that are scene dependent.

So if you are interested here you go:
BlackOps_1.4.5.35773.zip (7.13 KB)

thanks for posting these – i have yet to crack open the KCE and scratch my head, ive been mainly playing with the surface of the beta,
haven’t gotten to the meat! but i look forward to testing these out…


i might be missing something – but do you lose your alpha channel when messing with the KCE? I was trying a few different test, a few blends
between colors and textures which would give your generic results but no alpha… do i have to specify somewhere for it to keep that channel?
if i turn off the KCE on the PRT loader, and render with a particle color override or using material slot #1 i get an alpha, its just when i start
playing with the KCE and outcolor.

Sorry if i’m missing something simple… just starting to play around with it, and try to get a grasp on it… it still feels way over my head…
hopefully i can get a grasp on it, it seems amazing

There is no Alpha in Krakatoa. There is Density. You can control the Alpha in Volumetric mode by populating the Density Channel using a KCM. The value in the Density channel (which could also come from the PRT Loader) will be multiplied by the Density values in the Krakatoa Main Controls rollout. Also by the node’s visibility track. And when using a Material instead of KCM, the Opacity Channel of the Material can modify the Density, too if that option is enabled…

Hope this helps.

Yes – sorry for the confusion on using the term alpha loosely there. You read through my words, what i was trying to describe was being able to switch to the alpha channel in the render view, and see the density represented in black and white (of course) and then after messing with the KCM I was getting all black. It’s like my density was being dropped. But perhaps it was just what i me messing with channels and breaking things :slight_smile: I tend to break things often… thanks for the clarification :slight_smile:

Also keep in mind that Materials and KCMs don’t mix yet. KCMs are still evaluated before Materials so if you switch a PRT Loader to use Materials, the Color channel would be overwritten. This will change soon - the material will be evaluated before the KCMs to populate channels like Color, Absorption, Emission and more and would multiply the Density channel with the Opacity so KCMs on the stack would “see” the data. Also, we intend to provide a Krakatoa Material modifier which could be placed on the stack to define when exactly the material is evaluated so some KCMs could be evaluated before and some after that.

But in general unless you have a KCM that writes into the Density channel or a Material with Opacity set to 0, the Density and the resulting Alpha should not disappear.