Hi Ken,
Here are the necessary SMTDSettings to populate:
SMTDSettings.SlavesList = #("SomeSlave01","AnotherSlave42","Workstation02")
This is the list of slave names. It can be either a Blacklist, or a Whitelist. When it is used as a Blacklist, the specified slaves will NOT render the job. When specified as a Whitelist, ONLY the specified slaves may render the job.
SMTDSettings.SlavesBlackList = true
This is the boolean value that determines how the above list will be used. If set to true, the list is a Blacklist. If set to false, it is used as a Whitelist.
Using these two values, the SMTDFunctions.CreateSubmitInfoFile() function will write to the info file either
If you are writing the info file yourself instead of calling SMTDFunctions.CreateSubmitInfoFile(), the above is what you are expected to write into the file.
The relevant code in SubmitMaxToDeadline_Functions.ms is
local theBlackWhiteList = SMTDSettings.SlavesList
local theKeyword = if SMTDSettings.SlavesBlackList then "Blacklist" else "Whitelist"
if SMTDSettings.DBR do --if DBR Offload job, use the DBR settings
theBlackWhiteList = SMTDSettings.MastersList
theKeyword = if SMTDSettings.MastersBlackList then "Blacklist" else "Whitelist"
local theSlaveListString = SMTDFunctions.getListAsString theBlackWhiteList
format "%=%\n" theKeyword theSlaveListString to:submitInfoFile
There is also the SMTDSettings.Slaves property which contains ALL slaves registered with the Repository. It defaults to #(), so you need to populate it by calling
After that, you can peek in the SMTDSettings.Slaves array to get the names of slaves that actually exist on the farm.