Execute Command fails to execute sometimes...

With reference to this thread:
“Execute Command feature”. Are we sure this has been fixed in v3?
I’m still getting a few machines (can’t find a pattern yet…), which just don’t successfully run the “remote execute command” feature correctly.
Other machines run fine, all have windows xp x64, including the machine the command was sent from. x64 version of deadline everywhere.

To confirm, am I correct in saying that a batch file just needs to be wrapped in quotes to work and a DOS style command needs the cmd /c added to it?




cmd /c “cd c:\windows”

should both work? I’m finding that bat files just don’t execute sometimes? Should I be checking anything else apart from making sure the windows firewall is open to the “deadline launcher”?


Hey Mike,

Both of those commands should work. Is the Monitor reporting that those machines failed to execute the command, or is it more of a silent failure? Have you checked the Launcher logs on the machines that failed to execute the command? If an error occurred, it might be in those logs.

We are working on improving our remote command execution for the next release of Deadline to hopefully make failures a little more obvious, but in the meantime, hopefully the logs can be of some help.


  • Ryan