export slave stats graph data

Hi, in the farm report for slave, the monitor shows really cool graphs such as avg RAM or avg CPU for the slaves over time. How can I import the data used to generate these … say to csv so I can make analysis further ie comparing against other nodes etc? The [export data] button seems to import only the average data per nodes and not over the selected time.


I know some of the reports have export options. Can you clarify if this is active slave stats report, or the slave overview? Thanks

its for the slave overview. looks like the exported data do not have the date column despite the graphs are having them. thx

The data export is definitely just a copy of what you see in the table.

This is absolutely not supported, but you could dump the statistics directly from the database:

# Note the '<name of your database server>'. If running from the deadline db machine, replace with 'localhost'.
mongoexport --host=<name of your database server> --port=27080 --db deadline8db --fields "CpuUsage","DiskRead","DiskWrites","Enable","EntryTime","Machine","NetRecv","NetSent","Plugin","RamUsage","Region","Slave","Stat","Swap","_id"  --type=csv --collection SlaveStatistics --out statistics.csv

The big issue here is that when we change this, the fields might change, we might rename the database, or a whole host of other things might go wrong since we don’t guarantee the underlying data like we do the UI. There are also ways to get some of the information from the API, but I’ll have to look into it if you’re willing to do some scripting.

Thanks Edwin.
Maybe this can be in a Feature Request? So that the current Export Button actually export the date ranges too into the CSV ?

Thanks again.

Sure! We may add it as an extra button however. I believe the data is going to be very large, but I see no reason why this wouldn’t be possible.