Would it be possible that when you right click on a task, and select “Task Reports”. Could there be another option for “3D Studio Max Log”. Which would display the max.log file from the network folder for that slave on that task.
There are often errors or warnings that I’d like to check that Deadline is ignoring.
Mathew Foscarini
Technical Director
Crush, Inc.
To expand on that last request.
When we job a ton of jobs over night, then the Max log file limits it’s size, and we loose the log information from the jobs started in the beginning of the night.
Anyway to restore those logs?
Mathew Foscarini
Technical Director
Crush, Inc.
Hi Mathew,
Ideally, we would like the slave to detect everything that is being written to the Max.log file, and then parse if for errors and warnings we would like to catch. What types of errors/warnings is Deadline ignoring that it shouldn’t be?
Ryan Russell
Frantic Films Software
MentalRay will report warnings that sometimes result in corrupted renderings.
I don’t have a direct copy of the warning, but it’s something like this “failed to invert transformation matrix”. Which results in objects being rendered in the wrong locations, or FG being corrupted.
The next time I see the warning I’ll post a copy of it here.
Mathew Foscarini
Technical Director
Crush, Inc.