Filter Job Plugin


I have a situation where different users are seeing a different list of Job Plugins available for filtering when they click on the “Filter Job Plugin” button

Software = Deadline Version:

Is the list of Job Plugin generated on the fly from the content in the Plugins directory or is that read from some file that is cached during Deadline startup analysing the Plugins directory ?


Is it possible that one of your users is already using another filter within the Deadline monitor and so when they filter against job plugin type as well, they only see a subset of what your other users may be seeing?
If there is another filter applied in the monitor, you should see that the icon is ‘greyed’ out a little.

I can confirm that the list of plugins in the filter is based on the types of jobs in the queue (not on the list of plugins in the plugins folder), and should be updated on the fly as new jobs are added and others are removed. Note that it’s based off the last refresh in the Monitor, so the next time you see different lists on different machines, try to do a refresh on both at roughly the same time to see if that’s still the case.


  • Ryan


Thanks for the information.

I can confirm your observation i.e. plugin types are only for those that are current.

I noticed that if a 4.1 client connects to a 4.0 repository, it lists all the Job Plugin, regardless of the wether those job types are currently on the farm.

As we are using 4.0 for the current production, I will not investigate further with 4.1 as we might go straight to 5.x when a migration opportunity arise between production.


Yeah, that was a change made between 4.0 and 4.1. We found it more convenient to only show the plugins that are actually being used for jobs, instead of always showing the 40+ plugins that we ship with Deadline out of the box. :slight_smile: