Until now I rendered the scenes in 3ds max and mental ray like this:
did the FG render and saved the FG map (on a lower res)
did the tile render of the scene using the saved FG map
I did this because my machine couln’t render the whole scene in one go (MR didn’t have enough memory available). I still had to do FG in one go (otherwise there were too big diffrences along the stiches because of FG), that’s why I did it on a lower res. Is there a way to do this with Deadline? I tried a simple tiles render which stiched correctly, but with visible diffrences of the tiles (as expected). Tried to do a render with Tile Pixel padding and maybe try to fix it in post production but I got black boxes on tiles 3 and 4 (out of 4).
If you did the FG map first (like you were before), and then submitted a Tile job to Deadline and have your scene use the saved FG map, I would imagine that would work. Have you tried this?
We’ll see if we can reproduce the problem with the tile pixel padding.
It looks like my default FG map name was the problem, it’s working now.
I might even be able to create a FG map in ful res:
Np, thank you for your fast replies and your software, it’s a life saviour
I’m looking at scripting now, might write a script that will do the work. How can I call deadline from a max script? I would only need to submit the job and set the tiles number.
To submit a job from maxscript, you need to call deadlinecommand - which you could probably tell based on its name that it’s Deadline’s command line application. You can reference the maxscript files in \your\repository\submission\3dsmax, mainly the SubmitMaxToDeadlineFunctions.ms file (I think that’s the name - I’m out of the office until tomorrow - but it’s definitely the file with ‘Functions’ in the name).
There is a lot of code in the file, but it should help you figure out how the tile jobs are submitted.
Still having some problems with tile rendering. It doesn’t help much with the black bucket problem described at this blog: mentalraytips.blogspot.com/2007/ … max-9.html
First I rendered and saved saved the fg map at lower res (3500 pix at the longest side) and then rendered the full size image (4800 pix at the longest side) with 3 different methods:
script from the link above: 4 tile renders, uses blowup, produces no black buckets
deadline tile render: 4 tiles (2x2), buckets still present. Even tried with 16 tiles, buckets still appeared.
deadline region rendering using blowup (should be the same as first method, at least if I look at the script): 4 tiles, renders out fine. I think this method works because the resolution was setup to 2400 (otherwise I would get twice the size of the file 9600 on the longest side). Method one submits full size render and does a region render using crop, and that’s probably the reason it doesn’t work.
Would it be possible to make tile rendering with blow up (so that user wouldn’t have to spcify all the regions and change the name for each region)?
Assume your resolution is 640x480, and you’re rendering 4 tiles (2x2). Having the blowup option for tile rendering would essentially allow you to render a 1280x960 image, because each tile would be blown up to 640x480. If this is what you are looking for, then we should be able to add a check box option to blow up the render instead of cropping it.
Yeah I think that should do it. Because atm the scene is opened with the full resolution (I saw that in the log of the slave when rendering starts) and the only a fraction (crop) is rendered. I think blowup works differently, it “zooms” on the region selected and renders in the smaller resolution. It works if I manually make 4 tasks with region rendering using blowup (the option is already there in deadline, but I have to manually make 4 tasks and specify the right regions, name the files and in the end put them together).
EDIT: Let’s say I setup the resolution to 640 x 480 (under Render setup, Common tab) and that this resolution is too high to be rendered with mental ray in one tile. If I do tile render with 4 tiles I would get the resulting 4 tiles each the size of 320x240 and the final file would be put together with tileassember, the res would be 640x480. Each tasks would get submitted with the res 640x480 which is too much for mental ray to handle (even though only a part is rendered). But If I wanna do a blowup render that will be 640x480 in the end I have to setup the resolution to 320x240 (under Render setup, Common tab) and then set 4 regions to 1. 0 0 2. 160 0 3. 0 120 4. 160 120. In this case the submitted tasks have the res of 320x240 which might be small enough to render on my machine.