We’re trying to get the Frame Counter in our Draft QT’s not to bounce around. It seems to be a Font kernal spacing issue from being right justified.
We’ve tried using both Gravity and Anchor, changing Fonts to various Fixed Width fonts, addition frame padding, etc etc.
We want the frame counter on the Top or Bottom Right but I can’t find any info on Justifying the annotations differently. A search on the Thinkbox site brings up Coming Issues: thinkboxsoftware.com/draft-j … nnotations
I’ll work on a quick example to throw up here… do you have a script you can send me that is close to what you want? Or one that illustrates what to avoid?
Notice the unevenness in the counter from being seemingly right justified with unfixed kernal spacing:
# create the images for each digit
digitImages = [ Draft.Image.CreateAnnotation( str( digit ), textInfo ) for digit in digits ]
# composite digit images onto frame
xpixelpos = image.width * 0.95
xdelta = textInfo.PointSize * 0.5;
ypos = 0.95
for i in range( len( digitImages ) ):
xpixelpos = xpixelpos - xdelta
image.CompositeWithPositionAndAnchor( digitImages[i], xpixelpos / image.width, ypos, Draft.Anchor.NorthWest, Draft.CompositeOperator.OverCompositeOp )
# encode the frame
encoder.EncodeNextFrame( image )
frameNumber += 1
What I did was split the frame number up into digits, then comped each one separately. Let me know if this works for you.
Andrew mentioned trying fixed-width fonts. The kerning stuff does some weird things that I’ve been having to fight with in the code underneath, so it doesn’t surprise me that even fixed-width fonts have a problem.