Clients: Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 7 SP1
Application(s) affected: 3ds Max 2012, FumeFX Plugin, Deadline 5
Issue: Error Reporting
So this isn’t exactly a Deadline issue per se (and I have searched the forums looking for this already), but we are seeing machines pickup jobs and just sit on them to the timeout. We finally tracked down the issue to FumeFX, more specifically FumeFX’s .ini file which sets where the temp folder is on a machine. If the folder that the FumeFX.ini file is pointing to as a temp folder does not exist it will effectively halt the job waiting for the Close/OK button to be hit (can’t remember if it was Close or OK), Deadline doesn’t see this as an error and it should since this completely stops renders. This of course isn’t Deadlines fault, but since people may not be able to update their FumeFX it does become one and thus creates more work for you guys.
Anyway, now I have to go report this to the Afterworks guys.