Hey folks, small issue: is it just me or the density from FumeFx to a Krakatoa FumeFxObject doesn’t get transferred well. I get these insanely huge numbers that become unusable. I’m always forced to shuffle a KCM with 1 density.
P.S. My scene has a pretty big scale… wonder if that’s got anything to do with it.
Yes, the scale plays a role. Density in Krakatoa is in units per cubic generic unit.
So if a voxel has a size of 100x100x100 units, if you create one particle inside of it, it will have a Density of 1,000,000 because it represents the whole volume!
You can always drop a KCM and divide by that value to produce 1.0, or use the global Density controls in the renderer.
Dividing/multiplying instead of replacing with 1.0 is a good idea because Krakatoa will read the actual Densities from FumeFX and you don’t want each particle to have the same value, just to be scaled right.
Hi Bobo, I had tried dividing already, but still wasn’t getting good results:
My grid is 696x392x818 wich gives a divisor or 223,176,576…
If I divide by 1,000,000 the values give me something acceptable (between 0.2 and 1.1), but no matter what the final pass density is, my image is still way dense… any idea? Should I mess with the Density Gradient as well?
Hmm, this is scary. Your Final Pass Density is set to 5.0*10^-30 which should already make the particles totally invisible even without the Magma division. Something is wrong there.
No, you should not touch the Density Gradient - it is simply a vector pointing in the direction of the value falling off (from dense to less dense). It is not used by the renderer.
In general, most Density-affecting controls in Krakatoa MX (including the Visibility value, the Material Opacity, the Final Pass Density etc.) are used to SCALE the input value. Only the Density Overrides could change it, but they are obviously off according to the screenshot. Out of curiosity, what is the Alpha value of the image when you right-click over a pixel?
Could you upload a sample scene (even without the Fume files) for me to take a look? You can email me at bobo@thinkboxsoftware.com if you don’t want to post anything publicly.