Fumfx sending update info to Deadline

Hi, Im setting up a Script to set off multiple fume sims to deadline as scriptjobs and would like deadline to be aware of the progress the fume sim is up to. Is there a way to do this? We are using deadline 3

Hey Jordan,

When you say “as script jobs”, do you mean maxscript jobs? If so, are you able to determine the progress within the script? There are DeadlineUtil functions that can be exposed to maxscript to update progress - specifically, the DeadlineUtil.SetProgress( float percentage ) function.

Note that FumeFX jobs can be submitted like normal Max jobs, although in that case progress reporting might not be implemented. There should be a toggle button in the FumeFX options to enable net rendering. If that option is enabled and you submit the job to Deadline, it should perform the sim.


  • Ryan

yeas, im actually setting them off with $Fume.simulate() as im am doing a few other things with maxscript and I hadnt figured out the postLoadScript stuff untill yesterday :slight_smile:
Im very new to deadline scripting!!
I can see there is some type of update function for deadline with maxscript, im just not sure how to get it from fumeFX

ok, i figured out i can put the setprogress function in the PostStep function of the fume maxscript… now off to the fumeFX forums to figure out how to set this scrip by another script!!

Cool! Glad to hear you’re getting closer. :slight_smile:

Ok, back to this issue. Nothing can be done with the FumeFX post step scripts unless I force workstation mode which I would rather not do for licensing reasons.

I notice that deadline can get the title of the fumeFX dialog as it is ignoring it, and that has all the info i need in it! Can I access the dialog in maxscript the way deadline does? I tried some of the maxscript dialog detecting stuff but it doesnt work when netrendering :frowning:
Even just a way to access what is printed to the dealine slave log would be enough to get a progress report with some string functions.


Our dialog detection code isn’t exposed in any way, and even if it was, the only control it offers is to press buttons. It simply detects a dialog based on its title, and if one of its buttons isn’t pressed, it just dumps the controls that are in the dialog. There isn’t any sort of parsing to get this data out of the dialog back to Deadline.


  • Ryan

I didnt want to get to the dialog controls, just get the string of the dialog title but from what you say it cant be done