Fusion x64 v6.0 b476 & Deadline


Today I decided to give Deadline v4 a try (I have been using earlier versions). I started off setting up Fusion v6 and ran into a problem right away. I built a simple comp with a BG, a merge and a Text node, set to save as .exr files.

I am rendering to my workstation copy of Fusion, not a rendernode. Fusion loads up, loads the comp trys to render and quits. There are several different errors, all dealing with " Detected popup dialog…"

I remember back a few years with Fusion 5, there was also an early issue with supressing popups. I have not setup Deadline for a while, so I just might be doing something wrong, or have forgotten something. I have attached my error logs.

My system is an Intel i7 running Win 7 x64.

FusionErrors.rar (6.63 KB)

Hi David,

There are a couple of things you can try. Our Fusion plugin is designed to work with RenderSlave.exe/ConsoleSlave.exe, which don’t display all the additional popups that Fusion.exe does.

  1. Use the FusionCmd plugin instead of the Fusion plugin. Just configure the FusionCmd plugin to point to Fusion.exe instead of ConsoleSlave.exe. When you submit the job, there should be an option to render in command line mode. We don’t have popup handling enabled in the FusionCmd plugin, which is why this should work.

  2. Continue using the Fusion plugin, bug disable popup handling. This requires you to manually edit \your\repository\plugins\Fusion\Fusion.py in a text editor. Look for this section of code:

[code]class FusionProcess (ManagedProcess):
def InitializeProcess( self ):
self.ProcessPriority = ProcessPriorityClass.BelowNormal
self.UseProcessTree = True
self.PopupHandling = True
self.StdoutHandling = True

	self.AddPopupIgnorer( ".*Queue.*" )
	self.AddPopupIgnorer( ".*Render Manager.*" )[/code]

Change the “self.PopupHandling = True” line to disable popup handling:

[code]class FusionProcess (ManagedProcess):
def InitializeProcess( self ):
self.ProcessPriority = ProcessPriorityClass.BelowNormal
self.UseProcessTree = True
self.PopupHandling = False
self.StdoutHandling = True

	self.AddPopupIgnorer( ".*Queue.*" )
	self.AddPopupIgnorer( ".*Render Manager.*" )[/code]

This should also work fine, but Deadline will miss any actual error popups that Fusion may display.

  1. The third option is to add separate popup ignorers for each popup in Fusion 6, but I believe there are a lot of these, and to handle every single one might be a real pain. :slight_smile:


  • Ryan

Thank you Ryan, I will try your suggestions and follow up if I have any other issues.


Hey Ryan, I went with the cmdline method and it is working Aok.

On another point, a really cool feature of Deadline is the Fusion Quicktime Submission script. I use it all the time with Deadline v2.7.

I was looking over the Deadline 4 files trying to see how the system is generating the default Fusion template for rendering with the slate information. I can’t find where in the script pipeline this is happening. Can you point me in the right direction as I’d like to perphaps change the default submission, and then do more templates for other situations.


Hi David,

Glad the command line method is working.

The default template is created in the CreateQuicktime.eyeonscript file in \your\repository\plugins\QuicktimeFusion. Look for this line of code:

if string.len( QTargs.Template ) > 0 then

In the “else” clause, this is where the default template is created. Hope this helps!


  • Ryan

Thank you Ryan… I’m not sure how I missed that directory in my searching yesterday.