Hair & Fur - Krakatoa

Happy New Year

I`ve got a problem with Krakatoa for 3dsmax
I have to render a Hair & Fur scene used PRT Hair (Entire Scene)
Krakatoa starts to render a few pictures for Compositing
after that i got this error „Krakatoa Hair.jpg“
I used PRTHair full scene „PRT Hair.jpg“
used 2 Matte objects „Matte Objects.jpg“
and a result will be in“Gras Render“

I think its a Ram Problem-but while getting this error after about 15 frames render-theres about 7 Gigs free Mermory in Ram-not used .
Whats wrong- I know Krakatoa stays in memory until Quit of 3dsmax-is this the problem or it`s my fault?


Hi Galadriel,

It is a RAM problem. As the error message says, it was trying to reallocate 15 GB of memory and failed.
You were using around 17GB at that point, with 7GB free.
When Krakatoa has to increase memory, it does it in blocks and doubles the previous increment. The problem with this is that the old memory has to be moved into the new chunk, then released. For example, if you are using 7 GB at the moment but you need 14 GB, a new chunk of 14 GB is allocated, then the 7GB are copied into the new block and then released. So you need 21GB to perform that step, and it is possible that you could run out of memory even if it is not really being used, just prepared for use. In theory, if you had enough swap disk space, it would still allocate the memory and then become awfully slow swapping to disk, but it sounds like for some reason Windows could not do that in your case.

One thing you could try:
In the Memory Channels rollout, there is a section that lets you pre-allocate momory before you start rendering the particles. … Determined
If the memory requirements don’t go above what you have pre-allocated, it will never have to reallocate memory.
So let’s assume that Max and Windows use, say, 5GB of memory before you start rendering. You enable the Pre-Allocation and set the amount of memory to 18GB.
When Krakatoa starts rendering, it will pre-allocate a block of 18GB and as long as that is enough for all following operations, it will never try to increment.
You can also specify the number of particles you intend to generate (if you know approximately how many are generated by the hair, and let Krakatoa calculate the memory.

See if enabling this will help in your case.
If it does not help, please let us know and we can talk about other things to look at…

Thanks so much -Bobo - this seems to help me,
Rendering Frame goes from 4:50 to 2:44 immediately - and it seems not to hang on Max
Can you give me an advice where the cache file will be saved on HD.

Where can i upload Videos made with Kakatoa?

By the way,
Happy New Year -thanks a lot for this advice

Ein Gutes Neues Jahr! :slight_smile:

What cache do you have in mind?
There is no cache involved - enabling that option simply allocates all the memory you requested, so the memory management doesn’t have to increase the amount automatically during render time.
For some objects like PRT Loader, we know the count in advance and can pre-allocate all memory needed at the beginning. For some others like PRT Volume, PRT Hair and PRT FumeFX, we cannot estimate the particle count until the particles are actually generated. So enabling that option forces Krakatoa to assume a specific number of particles are coming and it reserves the necessary memory from the start…

You can upload videos to YouTube or Vimeo and send the link. We don’t have a dedicated server for videos yet.