Help needed with Python API AppendJobFrameRange()

Hi All

I’m trying to make use of the AppendJobFrameRange() function with Deadline to add frames to a job but it doesn’t seem to do anything.

Here’s my test script:

[code]import Deadline.DeadlineConnect as Connect

deadline = Connect.DeadlineCon(‘’, ‘8080’)
append = deadline.Jobs.AppendJobFrameRange(‘5592a96fbb943d2ea0f46150’, [51, 52])
print append[/code]

When I run it it returns ‘Success’, however the job remains unchanged with the original frame range.


Is this a bug or am I misunderstanding the AppendJobFrameRange function?



Found the answer. Frames to append should be in a string and comma separated.

append = deadline.Jobs.AppendJobFrameRange('5592a96fbb943d2ea0f46150', '51, 52')

In my opinion you should not have received a ‘success’ response when you passed a list instead of a string. This is a classic pitfall of a weakly-typed language. I’ve logged a suggestion that going forward we apply stronger type checking to API function parameters so that more meaningful errors will be returned.