I encountered an issue with my slave here, It was rendering fine before, Suddenly it was becoming stalled and transferring task to other node in between some passes. We are using corona, max 2018. Please help me solve this issue
I am showing Logs here:
2018-12-06 19:54:57: 0: Done executing plugin command of type ‘Start Job’
2018-12-06 19:54:57: 0: Plugin rendering frame(s): 3
2018-12-06 19:54:57: 0: Executing plugin command of type ‘Render Task’
2018-12-06 19:54:57: 0: INFO: Render Tasks called
2018-12-06 19:54:57: 0: INFO: STARTED
2018-12-06 19:54:57: 0: INFO: MaxLightning: Render frame 3
2018-12-06 19:54:57: 0: INFO: MaxLightning: Overriding save file option to 1
2018-12-06 19:54:57: 0: INFO: MaxLightning: Rendering frame “\XServer\Projects\Codename Leizure\0 3D Process\15.5 Playblasts\Dhaivat - Lighting Test\Rendered\Exterior Tesla Shot\Tesla Shot.0003.jpg”
2018-12-06 19:54:57: 0: INFO: MaxLightning: Rendering 3 render elements
2018-12-06 19:54:57: 0: INFO: MaxLightning: Setting up render parameters
2018-12-06 19:54:57: 0: INFO: MaxLightning: Rendering camera node PhysCamera003
2018-12-06 19:54:57: 0: INFO: MaxLightning: Checking multipass info for frame 3
2018-12-06 19:54:57: 0: INFO: MaxLightning: Opening renderer
2018-12-06 19:54:57: 0: INFO: MaxLightning: Multipass disabled
2018-12-06 19:54:57: 0: INFO: MaxLightning: Rendering 1 passes
2018-12-06 19:54:57: 0: INFO: MaxLightning: Checking output paths
2018-12-06 19:54:57: 0: INFO: MaxLightning: Checking default actions
2018-12-06 19:54:57: 0: INFO: MaxLightning: TYPE_MISSING_EXTERNAL_FILES = IGNORE
2018-12-06 19:54:57: 0: INFO: MaxLightning: TYPE_MISSING_UVWS = IGNORE
2018-12-06 19:54:57: 0: INFO: MaxLightning: TYPE_MISSING_DLL_FILES = FAIL
2018-12-06 19:54:57: 0: INFO: MaxLightning: TYPE_MISSING_XREF_FILES = IGNORE
2018-12-06 19:54:57: 0: INFO: MaxLightning: Calling renderer
2018-12-06 19:55:07: 0: INFO: Preparing geometry (elapsed: 0:00:09)
2018-12-06 19:55:17: 0: INFO: Pass 1/35 (elapsed: 0:00:19, left: 0:10:04)
2018-12-06 19:55:27: 0: INFO: Pass 1/35 (elapsed: 0:00:29, left: 0:08:42)
2018-12-06 19:55:37: 0: INFO: Pass 2/35 (elapsed: 0:00:39, left: 0:08:47)
2018-12-06 19:55:47: 0: INFO: Pass 3/35 (elapsed: 0:00:49, left: 0:08:49)
2018-12-06 19:55:57: 0: INFO: Pass 3/35 (elapsed: 0:00:59, left: 0:08:45)
2018-12-06 19:56:07: 0: INFO: Pass 4/35 (elapsed: 0:01:09, left: 0:08:39)
2018-12-06 19:56:13: Slave ‘Rishi-PC’ has stalled because it has not updated its state in 2.598 s. Performing house cleaning…
2018-12-06 19:56:14: Found task class: 3:[3-3]
2018-12-06 19:56:14: Task is still being rendered!
2018-12-06 19:56:14: It’s time to requeue this baby.
2018-12-06 19:56:14: Cannot send notification because the email address list is empty.
2018-12-06 19:56:17: 0: INFO: Pass 4/35 (elapsed: 0:01:19, left: 0:08:29)
2018-12-06 19:56:24: Connecting to Slave log: Rishi-PC
2018-12-06 19:56:27: 0: INFO: Pass 5/35 (elapsed: 0:01:29, left: 0:08:25)
2018-12-06 19:56:35: Scheduler Thread - Task “3_3-3” could not be found because task has been modified:
2018-12-06 19:56:35: current status = Rendering, new status = Queued
2018-12-06 19:56:35: current slave = Rishi-PC, new slave =
2018-12-06 19:56:35: current frames = 3-3, new frames = 3-3
2018-12-06 19:56:35: Scheduler Thread - Cancelling task…
2018-12-06 19:56:36: 0: Executing plugin command of type ‘Cancel Task’
2018-12-06 19:56:36: 0: Done executing plugin command of type ‘Cancel Task’
2018-12-06 19:56:36: 0: Done executing plugin command of type ‘Render Task’
2018-12-06 19:56:36: 0: In the process of canceling current task: ignoring exception thrown by PluginLoader
2018-12-06 19:56:36: 0: Executing plugin command of type ‘End Job’
2018-12-06 19:56:36: 0: INFO: End Job called - shutting down 3dsmax plugin
2018-12-06 19:56:36: 0: WARNING: Did not receive a success message in response to EndJob: FUNCTION: SETTITLE Pass 5/35 (elapsed: 0:01:29, left: 0:08:25) - 14.1%
2018-12-06 19:56:36: 0: INFO: Disconnecting socket connection to 3dsmax
2018-12-06 19:56:36: 0: INFO: Waiting for 3ds Max to shut down
2018-12-06 19:56:36: 0: INFO: 3ds Max has shut down
2018-12-06 19:56:36: 0: Done executing plugin command of type ‘End Job’
Please Please help me…
p.s. - Slave name is ‘Rishi-PC’