Hiero Submission

Does anyone out there have a client submission script for Hiero that they would like to share… :smiley:

We’ve just started working on one for Deadline 6. :slight_smile:

Uhh nice, i just considered posting this as a request…!

Awesome… thanks

I just had a though about the Hiero submitter and would like to ask for a feature :

It would be cool if the submitter has a draft option as well, as this would enable us to crate all the proxies/quicktimes, etc. with draft, rather than expensive/limited Nuke nodes.
It would also give us the option to automatically upload the created quicktimes as versions to shotgun and thus creating filmstrip thumbnails (shotgun does this on it´s own now, creating filmstrips from the last version, very cool!), now that screening room (aka revolver) is an integral part of shotgun.


I’m not all that familiar with Hiero, but based on what I’ve seen in the batch processing scripts that are already available, it looks like they’re already working with a Nuke file. So our plan was to simply submit this Nuke file to Deadline like a typical Nuke job.

We’ll probably have a better understanding once we’ve put more time into writing our batch script, but based on what I’ve seen so farm, I’m not sure how we would replace Nuke with Draft in this case.


  • Ryan

Ok, no big deal, as the nuke file stays in the job queue we can easily spawn a draft job from there.

hiero delets the nuke file it uses to render the output by default, but this would not be the case when it is being rendered by deadline, so all good…


Thats great news. Looking forward to it! :slight_smile:

I’ve implemented a very basic python script for Hiero to submit to deadline. It works great actually, no submit controls other than whats in Hiero and Hiero itself has some issues yet with overwriting nk scripts per shot if the shots have the same name, but it can be done with very little effort.

But to your point it would be very easy to detect if you were submitting a mov and queue that as a draft submit rather than a nuke submit. I’m not sure if there actually is a speed difference in who renders it, but I guess from a licensing standpoint it might be beneficial.


Hey Andrew,

Any chance you could share your current script? :slight_smile:


  • Ryan

Hi Ryan…

Of course… :slight_smile:

Here’s the script… put it in your ~/.hiero/Python/Startup folder. It’s pretty bare bones. No submission window, just uses the hard-coded variables. The ones we have pre-set are Group : “nuke” and ConcurrentTasks : 5, Limit ConcurrentTasks:False. I believe everything else is default. The one “smart” thing this script does is detect if you are writing out a quicklime and will submit the whole frame range as a single task rather than 1 frame per task which we currently have.

Hiero will write out separate .nk files per task…:
sequence : 1 task
shots : 1 task per shot per export… for example if I want to export .exr, .jpg, and .mov you will get a .nk for each one… be careful to name each one individually in your export. If they are named shot.####.exr, shot.####.jpg, and shot.mov… the .nk scripts will all be called shot.nk and overwrite each other. So you would want to do something like this… shot.####.exr, shot_proxy.####.jpg, shot_qt.mov. This is something I’ve let the guys at the foundry know about and they are working on a fix.

The only issues I’ve seen with Deadline’s interactivity is that Hiero will run the SubmitHieroToDeadline before the .nk is actually created which will cause the tasks to fail until the .nk exists. Hasn’t really been a problem because usually the .nk shows up before the job fails out or the slaves are blacklisted, but not idea.

Like I said… not the most elegant thing, but gets the job done. :slight_smile:

SubmitHieroToDeadline.rar (2.63 KB)

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Thanks Andrew! Much appreciated!

What means Deadline 6 ? When it will be ready ?
Thanks .

We’re hoping around the end of April, but basically, we’ll release it when it’s ready. :slight_smile:

The beta is still open though, and the Hiero submitter is ready to go for the next beta release, which could potentially be later this week or next week. Shoot an email to beta@thinkboxsoftware.com if you want to get beta access.


  • Ryan
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