I know AWS Thinkbox are always tight lipped about Deadline development, but will we be seeing a Husk plugin similar to the Mantra plugin alongside Houdini?
Plenty of requests on the forum for it
I’m trying to get the progress bar to work in Monitor using Husk running a Redshift task.
I tried to copy over some code from the Redshift plugin, into a custom husk plugin that is based on the command line plugin. But it did not work.
I copied over these lines from the Redshift plugin
def InitializeProcess( self ):
self.FinishedBlocks = 0
self.AddStdoutHandlerCallback( "Block (\\d+)/(\\d+) .+ rendered" ).HandleCallback +=
def HandleProg…
Hi Justin,
I get this error when trying to get this new patch to work.
The CallDeadlineCommand.py script could not be found in the Houdini installation. Please make sure that the Deadline Client has been installed on this machine.
Any thoughts?
EDIT: So I figured it out, I was missing the “python2.7libs” folder inside of my home directory, which contains the CallDeadlineCommand. So I just copied that over from H17.5 to my H18 documents folder and it works now. Haven’t tested i…
Here’s at least three threads specific to Houdini USD Solaris LOPS husk support
AWS Thinkbox won’t reveal any roadmap or plans for Deadline so you don’t really know what is planned, there are other render managers that render USD but I’ve not tested them yet
Last post above asked the same question, cue tumbleweed