Houdini hython script job + QtGui problem

I’m trying to submit a script job to Houdini via Deadline.
I’ve updated the standard Houdini plugin to enable this.
The problem is that my script requires access to QtGui (even though I appreciate this is a non Gui session).

Has anyone found a way to add QtGui to a Hython session via Deadline?

The code I am using works fine in cmdline sessions of Nuke and Maya so I’m curious why I it’s not working in Houdini.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

How are you calling QtGui and what error are you getting?

Maya standalone doesn’t start QApplication loop either so maybe only static method would work?

I found the problem. There were bugs in Shotguns code that caused calls to Qt. I think Hython simply doesn’t have Qt libraries available in cmdline mode whereas Nuke and Maya have them, but don’t use them in cmdline mode.
(I wasn’t calling Qt, it was Shotgun toolkit apps being used to publish from the farm)