AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Houdini + Octane 2023 Submission Script bug


Speaking with an Otoy developer who needs me to create a support ticket for a bug that’s come up in the subsmission script and Octane 2023 which has had a file path parameter change.

When we try to submit an Octane ROP to Deadline 10.3 we receive the following error (and no submission is possible so we’re presently hacking already submitted job to deal with an upcoming deadline)

Using Houdini 19.5.773

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “\submission/Houdini/Main\”, line 1537, in SubmitJobCallback
SubmitRenderJob(job, jobOrdering, (totalJobs > 1), jigsawRegionCount, jigsawRegions )
File\submission/Houdini/Main\", line 1331, in SubmitRenderJob
jobIds = SHTDFunctions.SubmitRenderJob( renderNode, jobProperties, “,”.join( dependencies ) )
File “\submission/Houdini/Main\”, line 692, in SubmitRenderJob
output, outputFile, paddedOutputFile = get_render_output_filepath(node)
File “\submission/Houdini/Main\”, line 523, in get_render_output_filepath
if node.parm(“HO_img_fileFormat”).eval() < 2 or node.parm(“HO_img_fileFormat”).eval() > 3:
AttributeError: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘eval’

Thank you,
Matt Hermans
Electric Lens Co.

Link to Otoy Forum/tracking this bug : OTOY Forums • View topic - OctaneRender 2023.1 for Houdini production (2023.1.0.1)

From the stack trace it looks like we’re not prepared for node.parm(“HO_img_fileFormat”) to return nothing. Per this reply the name’s been changed but will be rolled back per this message.

As a stop-gap if the rollback is going to be a moment you can use the attached file.

Install steps (assuming you don’t already have a custom Houdini submitter):

  1. Make a copy of DeadlineRepository10\submission\Houdini into DeadlineRepository10\custom\submission
  2. Overwrite the DeadlineRepository10\custom\submission\Houdini\Main\ with the attached file.
  3. Delete the SubmitHoudiniToDeadlineFunctions.pyc in that directory if present.

To roll back:

  1. Delete the DeadlineRepository10\custom\submission\Houdini directory. (80.4 KB)

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