Houdini-Redshift exit code 134 workaround

It looks like Houdini is breaking spec here returning something other than zero is supposed to mean an error occurred, but I can’t see one here at all.

There are really two workarounds here:

  1. Wrap Houdini in a script or batch file to mask the exit code
  2. Change the Houdini plugin to ignore that specific exit code

I’m more a fan of option #2, so we’ll do that.

There is actually an example in the Houdini documentation for suppressing exit codes:
docs.thinkboxsoftware.com/produ … d-meanings

Because both Houdini and After Effects are what we call a simple plugin, this should work just fine. Just use “134” for the number instead. For those curious about the plugin types, check here:
docs.thinkboxsoftware.com/produ … nformation