Houdini / Redshift submission

Hello everyone,

Im using houdini 15.5.523, redshift 2.0.80 and windows 8.1, using one machine for the moment. So the output path is local.
I am able to hbatch the jobs with redshift without problem ( no deadline involved ).
I can submit Mantra jobs successfully using Deadline.
But unable to submit a Redshift jobs thru Deadline.

If I use the UI deadline from Houdini, I have “submission failed”

“Reading sticky settings from C:\Users\Alex\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline8\settings\houdini_py_submission.ini
Writing sticky settings…
Output path for ROP: “/out/Redshift_ROP1” is not specified”

That “Output path” is set and tested it with Mantra.

If I try submitting it thru the Monitor, I can overwrite the output path. So submission seems to work, the job get queued, and frames are getting completed but no files are generated inside the existing folder.
If I click on the frame log, everything gets initialized. Aka - houdini/Redshift/scene, but:
2017-01-30 12:18:10: 0: STDOUT: [Redshift][core] Frame file locked. Another process is already rendering it. Skipping frame

Help please ?

I hit this a little while ago.
On the redshift rop, deadline is looking for a path that is set in a parameter called “RS_outputFileNamePrefix”. once you fill this in everything will work.
The mantra rop stores the out put on an different parameter. so mantra working vs redshift not working is not a good comparison.

I cant get a license of houdini right now, other wise i would screen shot what it looks like in hou.

Hope this helps.

Thanks very much for the reply!
I have it set on the ROP tho, otherwise hbatch wouldnt save the files as well, no?
Would you know if I have to change this on a deadline *py somewhere? aka remap “Output Path” to “File Name Prefix”.

When I get the error from Houdini UI, I get this log:
“Reading sticky settings from C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline8\settings\houdini_py_submission.ini
Writing sticky settings…
Output path for ROP: “/out/Redshift_ROP1” is not specified”

The “File Name Prefix” is specified as in the attachment bellow.

Hey axelsp,

What version of deadline are you currently running I just want to confirm you are running at minimum 8.0.5 since that was when we first added support for Redshift to the Houdini submitter and plugin.


oh, Snap…
Just to be sure about where to check this.
Monitor > help > About
Seems to be 8.0.4 :confused:

Im downloading and reinstalling!!
Thanks :wink:
deadline version.jpg

Fixed !! Thanks so much!