Im using houdini 15.5.523, redshift 2.0.80 and windows 8.1, using one machine for the moment. So the output path is local.
I am able to hbatch the jobs with redshift without problem ( no deadline involved ).
I can submit Mantra jobs successfully using Deadline.
But unable to submit a Redshift jobs thru Deadline.
If I use the UI deadline from Houdini, I have “submission failed”
“Reading sticky settings from C:\Users\Alex\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline8\settings\houdini_py_submission.ini
Writing sticky settings…
Output path for ROP: “/out/Redshift_ROP1” is not specified”
That “Output path” is set and tested it with Mantra.
If I try submitting it thru the Monitor, I can overwrite the output path. So submission seems to work, the job get queued, and frames are getting completed but no files are generated inside the existing folder.
If I click on the frame log, everything gets initialized. Aka - houdini/Redshift/scene, but:
2017-01-30 12:18:10: 0: STDOUT: [Redshift][core] Frame file locked. Another process is already rendering it. Skipping frame
I hit this a little while ago.
On the redshift rop, deadline is looking for a path that is set in a parameter called “RS_outputFileNamePrefix”. once you fill this in everything will work.
The mantra rop stores the out put on an different parameter. so mantra working vs redshift not working is not a good comparison.
I cant get a license of houdini right now, other wise i would screen shot what it looks like in hou.
Thanks very much for the reply!
I have it set on the ROP tho, otherwise hbatch wouldnt save the files as well, no?
Would you know if I have to change this on a deadline *py somewhere? aka remap “Output Path” to “File Name Prefix”.
When I get the error from Houdini UI, I get this log:
“Reading sticky settings from C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline8\settings\houdini_py_submission.ini
Writing sticky settings…
Output path for ROP: “/out/Redshift_ROP1” is not specified”
The “File Name Prefix” is specified as in the attachment bellow.
What version of deadline are you currently running I just want to confirm you are running at minimum 8.0.5 since that was when we first added support for Redshift to the Houdini submitter and plugin.