I’m using max 2015 with deadline R.
Is there a way to perfrom housing cleaning on Jobs which have been submitted via the ‘SAVE and submit current scene file to USER-DEFINED NETWORK PATH’ ?
Or is house cleaning only performed on files that have been submitted to the repository?
Basically my company is split up into two departments, but we share the same render farm. If both teams submit to the repository then technically team 1 can access team 2’s files in the ‘job’ folder in the repository whilst it renders. Due to secuirty reasons I cant allow this to happen, is there an alternative setup i could do? (this is why I looked at ‘team 2’ submitting to a user-defined location but the issue is, house cleaning doesnt remove old job files).
I think you’ll have to do your own house cleaning in this case. You could hook into the house cleaning event and run your own checks and carefully delete files based on whatever criteria is important (you could match the settings in the repository for example).
Edwin posted a good boiler plate at the end of this thread: forums.thinkboxsoftware.com/vie … 11&t=13324
Thanks Coulter!
I thought as much.
Cheers for the boiler plate link, I’m not a programmer by trade. Done a few maxscripts but not dabled with python yet. Will stick with the manual way for now
Cheers dude!
Just encase someone has the same issue… Instead of manually going in and clearing up, I have created a .bat file and run in task scheduler on the slave machine every week.
Change the days as needed and path, It will delete any max files that are older than 4 days as well as the folder they are in.
REM Remove files backup older than 4 days
forfiles -p “C:\CHANGE PATH” -d -4 -c “cmd /c IF @isdir == TRUE rd /S /Q @path”
This may or may not be of any use, but its the quickest way to cleanup with out manually checking every friday etc…