in monitor tasks panel
i can find task time
can i find this in deadlinecommand?
deadlinecommand getjobtasks jobid
i find like this “TaskTime=10675199.02:48:05.4775807” when "Status=Rendering“
what this TaskTime=10675199.02:48:05.4775807 mean?
how can i see the duration in commandline?
It looks like the numbers before the first dot represent milliseconds (although the values don’t exactly match up). This may be a bug in the output formatting in the field (which Deadline version are you on?). You could drop everything from the dot onward and parse the milliseconds or use the human-readable string after the dot.
I took a look for myself, and on a completed job I get this:
I’m asking the core lead about this now. I wonder if it’s an accident with regard to localization.
Okay, so the issue is because we use TimeSpan.MaxValue as a sentinal value while the job is still rendering. See here:
So, the job must complete before using that. The “10675199” is the maximum number of days a TimeSpan can support.
thank you for your help
but i whant find “task time” in commandline
when task is running
can you help me for this?
how can i statistics a task time when the task in rendering
So thanks to Edwin’s digging, you just need to ignore the numbers before the first dot. The time is shown after that. Is there something more you need?
That’s actually not correct. As Edwin mentioned, the TaskTime value for a rendering task is essentially meaningless. To get the Task Time for a Task that is still rendering, you will have to calculate it yourself based on the TaskStartTime (you’d take the current time, minus TaskStartTime basically). This is how we internally calculate the value in the TaskTime column in the Monitor while rendering.
Good to know. Thanks for the clarification Jon.
Since this got a little confusing, I decided to make an example script to print out the Task times.
You can find it on our GitHub repository here: … bTaskTimes
in my farm
some times job has a Progress=0% status=rendering task running over 10 minute (my slave maybe Not enough memory)
use auto timeout is ok. but waste of time
so i want find this in commandline and use bat to restart task
thank you very much
Forgive my English is not good!
Can not fully express my gratitude
There are some options for this from the commandline using deadline command, but they might require a batch script and some data parsing.
The first option I considered is the flag ‘GetTaskProgress’ but that would show you the total task progress for the job, not the individual tasks.
The second one I looked up is GetJobTasks, which will show you the information about each task on a Job, and you would use the JobID to grab that information, but you would need to use that for each job on the farm. I think this is the most likely one to work for you, but you’ll need to parse this down to make sure you get only the pieces of information you want.
I hope this helps.