How Event plug works?

I’m new to deadline. Recently I work on an Event plug, but I don’t figure out how deadline’s event plug work.

  1. If 10 monitors are working, dose the script in the event plug run once on each monitor or only run once on the repository?
  2. Can the event plug work on repository 4.1 and monitor 5.0 ?

Thanks a lot in advance.

The event plugin will run on the machine that triggered the event. For example:

  1. The OnJobSubmitted event is triggered on the machine the job is being submitted from.
  2. The OnJobCompleted event is triggered on the machine that rendered the last task of the job
  3. The OnJobRequeued event is triggered on the machine that the job was reqeueued on.

Event plugins are a new feature in 5.0, so they will not work on machines that are running a previous version of Deadline. It’s never recommended to have different versions of Deadline on different machines.

Hope this helps!

  • Ryan

Thanks,I tested the Deadline, it works as you said.
but I found the Deadline Event plugins can work well with Deadline 5.0 Monitor and 4.1 repository. So Deadline is really robust.
it still follows the rule: who fire who care.


  • Bill

Is there any way to enable OnJobCompleted to be triggered by the machine that the job was submitted from, as well? This would help me immensely.

Unfortunately, no. It can only be triggered by the Slave that finishes the last task for the job.