How to clean my 'jobsData' folder automatically?

Hi, I have some trouble with storage capacity.

I submitted 1 Job that have thousand of Tasks with MAYA . Unfortunately Deadline saved ASS (proxy) file on ‘jobsData’ folder each tasks. It caused few many GB of files, so my Farm is dead.

I tried HouseCleaning, but my case, It’s just one of unfinished job, So HouseCleaning can’t delete my ‘jobsData’ folder.

I heared about Event Plugin. but I don’t know any codes also Python…

I want clean my ‘jobsData’ folder when each Tasks end (NOT each Jobs). How can i solve it?
If it can slove by Event Plugin, Please give some codes for me :wink:

Thank you.

We are pretty much in the same situation, submitting Arnold standalone job from a folder with large .ass files (6GB or so). We submit as 1 frame per task.

The .ass will get copied to the render node in the C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline10\workers<worker name>\jobsData<job name>, one for each frame, filling up the drive, failing eventually. If the worker switch job, those are getting deleted fine.

That behavior appeared in Repository Version: It was working fine in That specific JobData didnt existed at that location either.