how to create Post Job Script

i need a help.

tell me about post job script - how and where…

i create simple script:

RepositoryUtils.LogText “Getting output directories…”

Dim outputDirs

outputDirs = SlaveUtils.GetCurrentJobValue( “OutputDirectories” )

RepositoryUtils.LogText "Output path 0 = " & outputDirs(0)

end put it to:


i connect script to a job and wait… slave execute it and write that:

Log Message

BEGIN - 2008-04-09 18-58-32 - RF74\netrnd

---- April 09 2008 – 06:58 PM ----

0: Plugin rendering frame(s): 99999

0: This job had a post script task, but no associated script. Just marking this task as complete.

0: Render Time: 0 s

what a problem? i whant see one string with path, but script not work… :frowning:

my plan - do script for create mov for sequence… now i have a *.bat script for do movie and i whant connect that script as post job script…

What version of Deadline are you using? There was a bug in Deadline 2.6

that prevented the post job script stuff from working. I just tested

this out with Deadline 2.7.29178 and it worked fine. I created a script

on the network, and added the script to the job by right-clicking on it

in the Monitor and selecting Modify Post Job Script.


we use 2.6 version :frowning:

i repair a script an run it… tnx…

but i have one problem - how to set that script automatical for all new jobs?

i can set manualy script for several job, but i whant ran script from maya and other…

in a job file i see tag: PostJobScript

script attached to that tag… i modify a maya submitting script and write:

submitInfoFile.WriteLine “PostJobScript=script_name

but new job miss that string… i think its wrong, but dont know how write…

tell me how right set that script for all new submiting jobs?

Unfortunately, writing “PostJobScript=…” to the submit info file is

also broken in Deadline 2.6. The only workaround is to upgrade to the

latest version of Deadline. As long as your support and upgrade contract

is up to date, you can upgrade to Deadline 2.7 at no additional cost.

You will need an upgraded license file, so if you haven’t received this

yet, please email deadline-support with your full name/company info and

we’ll send you the upgraded license. If you still have to renew your

support and upgrade contract, you can email deadline-sales. The contact

information for both can be found here:
