Is there a command that allows to disable/enable a slave (In the monitor) with a python script ?
Not using the DeadlineCommand like this:
"DeadlineCommand SetSlaveSetting [Slave Name] Enabled 0"
but something closer to that:
SlaveUtils.SendRemoteCommandNoWait( slaveName, "deadlineslave -s )"
or… Any other way
Try this:
[code]from Deadline.Slaves import *
mySlaveSettings = SlaveSettings()
Set Slave Disabled
mySlaveSettings.SlaveEnabled = False
Set Slave Enabled
mySlaveSettings.SlaveEnabled = True
Thanks a lot,
Is there a way to do this per slave ?
here is the code I am writing: to launch a vrayspawner, shutdown the slave and disable it:
[code]from System.IO import *
from Deadline.Scripting import *
def main():
mySlaveSettings = SlaveSettings()
slaveNames = SlaveUtils.GetSelectedSlaveNames()
for slaveName in slaveNames:
SlaveUtils.SendRemoteCommandNoWait( slaveName, ““cmd” /C START “aa” “C:/Program Files/Autodesk/3ds Max 2011/vrayspawner2011.exe””)
SlaveUtils.SendRemoteCommandNoWait( slaveName, “deadlineslave -s”)[/code]
Then, when I’m done, I use another script to reverse the sequence:
[code]from System.IO import *
from Deadline.Scripting import *
def main():
slaveNames = SlaveUtils.GetSelectedSlaveNames()
for slaveName in slaveNames:
SlaveUtils.SendRemoteCommandNoWait( slaveName, “taskkill /im vrayspawner2011.exe /f /t” )
SlaveUtils.SendRemoteCommandNoWait( slaveName, “deadlineslave”)[/code]
I am trying to find a command that would include the “slavename” to allow multiple slave selection.
Would this work?
slaveNames = SlaveUtils.GetSelectedSlaveNames()
slaveList = StringUtils.ToCommaSeparatedString( slaveNames )
ClientUtils.ExecuteCommand( "SetSlaveSetting "\" + slaveList + "\" Enabled False" )
Note that if you’re using Deadline 4.x, you’ll have to use ScriptUtils.ExecuteCommand instead (ScriptUtils is deprecated in 5.0).