How to install and configure on linux


I downloaded the Deadline software and installed it on Windows and made 2 systems which i was going to use as slaves. One a Windows XP 64 bit and the other Centos OS 5.2.

I installed the Respositary on my Windows XP box and shared it and the mounted the share on my linux box. I then installed Linux client software and that too got installed. But there is no script or file to execute Client software.

I am stuck at this point on Linux, how do i run Deadline(slave) on Linux.


Hi Abdullah,

To run the slave on Linux, open up a terminal and type in ‘deadlinelauncher -slave’ and press enter (or you could just run ‘deadlineslave’). We should update our documentation to mention this. I’m sure you could create a shell script on the Linux desktop to act as a ‘shortcut’ to run the slave.


  • Ryan


I also forgot to download and install mono, will do it tomorrow.