How to Pause and Start Partition Particles ?

Yesterday, I made my particles into 15 partitions, but I did not check how much GBs I left.
So, after some hours calculating, I found the disk space is OUT! But I do not know how to pause the process.

I need to change my partition path to somgthing like F:\Temp Cache… but after that can I continue my partition process? And how to do that?

:unamused: Many thanks.!

If you are partitioning using the local workstation, pressing the ESC key should stop the current process.
After that, you can
*Move all your existing valid files to the new location with the larger disk space
*Change the save path to the new path (but leave the file name the same)
*Leave the total number of partitions the same as in your first run
*Enter a range of partitions to process starting with the one where you run out of disk space.
*Enable the option “Skip Existing Files When Saving” to skip the ones that were already saved.
*Press the “Generate Partition Range Locally…” button.

Please let me know if this helps.

Bobo Thank you for your speed reply, so helpful! Wish you good work! :wink: