How to return to license free mode

I requested a single license accidentally. I didn’t understand your pricing sceme. How do I return to license free mode?
Also, would running more than one slave on a 8 core computer running xsi advanced improve speed of renders?



You just need to reduce the number of slaves that show up in the Monitor to two. You can do this by one of two ways:

  1. In super user mode, right-click on the slave(s) you want to get rid of and select Delete Slave.

  2. Navigate to \your\repository\slaves and remove the folders representing the slave(s) you want to get rid of.


  • Ryan

Note: If you need a new trial license, just send an email to Deadline Sales with the necessary license server information and license count (basically, just resend the information you entered in the trial license form). Our trial license form flags duplicate requests, so you’ll likely get a faster response emailing Deadline Sales. The contact info can be found here: … e/contact/

Your contact email that you recommended is returning all mail.
You may want to check it is up and running.


Sorry about that. We’re still in a transition period (Frantic Films -> Prime Focus), and we’re still working out a few kinks. What’s the bounce back message you’re getting? We can pass that along to our IT department to help them fix the problem.

Also, just to confirm, you’re getting bounces back from the sales mailing list right? Or is it the support list? Or both?


  • Ryan

The mailing list problem should be resolved now.