How to set the directory of plugin.ini file when submitting a vray spawner task for distributed rendering?

Hi All,

We are trying to use vray spawner DBR to speed up our rendering in deadline. But the slaves can’t find the plugin.ini file and the slaves won’t start the tasks.

We using python script to submit the .max rendering job and here are our settings:
“Frames”: “0-4”,
“SceneFile”:r"//sharedisc/" + filename,
“vray_adv_irradmap_useCurrentPassSamples”:r"very low",

We have set the OverridePluginIni value to the directory of the renderFarmPlugin.ini file, which is meant to start up the vray3.00.03 plugin to render the .max file. But we find the slaves won’t start the vray3.00.03 plugin and the job can’t be done. The renderFarmPlugin.ini file has been tested in the single task job submit and worked well. And the slaves can access the ini file on the shared disc.

So does anyone have a clue on how to submit a vray spawner DBR job using python script and make the slaves start up the vray3.00.03 plugin to render the task?



Can you share a job report from one of these attempts? Have you had luck using this alternate plugin path when rendering outside of Deadline?

FYI. Customer has duplicated efforts here by double-posting a private support ticket as well :angry: